我正在尝试使用 TikZ 绘制一个图表,其中我可以指定区间内满足特定条件的特定元素。这例子似乎“最接近”我想要绘制的内容。我尝试对其进行修改,但由于我在 TikZ 方面的技能有限,我无法指定标记模式,也无法正确绘制间隔结束括号。任何建议或提示都将不胜感激。
更新:改变 的值\bound
将改变 两侧的最大点数N
。改变 键的值x
将改变相邻点之间的距离。(感谢 @Jubobs 推动这一改变)
\newcommand\bound{10} % bound number of points on each side of N
\foreach \mypt in {0,#2,...,\bound}{
\draw(-\bound-5,0)--(\bound+5,0) node[pos=0,left]{$\mathbb Z$};
\labelnum{1}{All integers are labeled}
\labelnum[yshift=-2cm]{2}{Even numbers are labeled}
\labelnum[yshift=-4cm]{5}{Multiples of 5 are labeled}
\labelnum[yshift=-6cm]{3}{Multiples of 3 are labeled}
PSTricks 解决方案中图表已实现“自动化”;现在可以选择图表中的所有绝对距离和相对距离,并且它将自动进行相应更改。
\cs_new_eq:NN \calc \fp_eval:n
% values needed (automatically calculated)
\newcommand*\StartDist{\calc{\Beginning+\StartIndent} }
%%% parameters %%%
% endpoints of axes
\newcommand*\Beginning{2 }
\newcommand*\End{12 }
% distance between axes
% constants of indentation on axes
% number of big, `hollow' dots on the lines
{\psset{dotstyle = Bo}
\multido{\rC = \StartDots+\DistDots{\DotsLineTop}}{\DotsLineTop}{\psdot(\rC,\HeightAxis{3})}
\uput[90](\Middle,\HeightAxis{3}){\scriptsize Even numbers are labeled}
\multido{\rB = \StartDots+\DistDots{\DotsLineMiddle}}{\DotsLineMiddle}{\psdot(\rB,\HeightAxis{2})}
\uput[90](\Middle,\HeightAxis{2}){\scriptsize Multiples of $3$ are labeled}
\multido{\rA = \StartDots+\DistDots{\DotsLineBottom}}{\DotsLineBottom}{\psdot(\rA,\HeightAxis{1})}
\uput[90](\Middle,\HeightAxis{1}){\scriptsize Multiples of $5$ are labeled}}
\multido{\r = 0.35+\AxesDist}{3}{%
\multido{\rD = \SmallDotsStart+\SmallDotsDist, \rE = \SmallDotsEnd+\SmallDotsDist}{3}{%
{\psset{dotsize = 2pt}
\psdot(!\rD\space \r\space 0.1 add)
\psdot(!\rE\space \r\space 0.1 add)}}
\uput[270](\StartDist,\r){\scriptsize $N-d$}
\uput[270](\Middle,\r){\scriptsize $N$}
\uput[270](!\Beginning \End add \StartDist sub \r){\scriptsize $N+d$}
\rput(!\Beginning \End add \StartDist sub \r\space 0.1 add){$]$}
\rput(!\StartDist \r\space 0.1 add){$[$}}
另一个解决方案是使用 PSTricks 来打发无聊的时间。
\foreach \y/\t in {0/{Even numbers },-4/{Multiples of 3 },-8/{Multiples of 5 }}
\uput[90](0,\y){\t are labeled}
\pscircle*[linecolor=red](!\i\space dup 2 mod 0 ne {/SD {} def} if 0){2pt}
\pscircle*[linecolor=green](!\i\space dup 3 mod 0 ne {/SD {} def} if -4){2pt}
\pscircle*[linecolor=blue](!\i\space dup 5 mod 0 ne {/SD {} def} if -8){2pt}