

我有一张必须放在一页中的表格,但很难以任何美观的方式做到这一点。下面粘贴了一个 MWE。有什么建议可以改进这一点吗?遗憾的是我不知道从哪里开始。


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Font

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,amsthm,textcomp,nicefrac} %Math

\usepackage{graphicx, subfigure} %graphics & nested graphics
\usepackage{float} %place graphics exactly where you desire with [H]


\usepackage{tikz} %graphs
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, calc, positioning}

\usepackage{hyperref} %References

\usepackage{lscape} %for landscape orientation

\usepackage{titletoc} %Table of contents 
\titleformat{\section}{\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{} %Section format
\titleformat{\subsection}{\bfseries}{\thesubsection}{1em}{} %Subsection format
\titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\bfseries\em} %Subsubsection format
\renewcommand*\footnoterule{} %Remove footnote separator line
\usepackage[bottom=0.1in]{geometry} %Margins
\usepackage{fancyhdr}%Header and footer
\renewcommand*\footnoterule{} %Remove footnote separator line

%   Document




{\bf \scshape Personal Record Table}

      \begin{tabular}{|c|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|} \hline

         & {\bf Your Investment}
         & {\bf Total Investment}
         & {\bf Group 1 Invesment}
         & {\bf Group2 Investment}
         & {\bf Total payoffs from The Account}
         & {\bf Your payoffs from The Account}
         & {\bf Your private payoffs}
         & {\bf Your initial payoffs}
         & {\bf Cost of deduction points assigned}
         & {\bf Number of deduction points received}
         & {\bf Cost of deduction points received}
         & {\bf Losses from deductions}
         & {\bf Final payoffs for this period}
         & {\bf Total payoffs for all periods}\\


         {\bf 1} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 2} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 3} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 4} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 5} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 6} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 7} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 8} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 9} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         {\bf 10} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline




%   END





% article doesn't have a 9pt opttion, deleted.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %Font

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,amsthm,textcomp,nicefrac} %Math

\usepackage{graphicx, subfigure} %graphics & nested graphics
\usepackage{float} %place graphics exactly where you desire with [H]


% not for MWE, speeds thing sup:-)
%\usepackage{tikz} %graphs
%\usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, calc, positioning}

\usepackage{hyperref} %References

\usepackage{lscape} %for landscape orientation

\usepackage{titletoc} %Table of contents 
\titleformat{\section}{\bfseries}{\thesection}{1em}{} %Section format
\titleformat{\subsection}{\bfseries}{\thesubsection}{1em}{} %Subsection format
\titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\bfseries\em} %Subsubsection format
\renewcommand*\footnoterule{} %Remove footnote separator line
\usepackage[bottom=0.1in]{geometry} %Margins
\usepackage{fancyhdr}%Header and footer
\renewcommand*\footnoterule{} %Remove footnote separator line

%   Document




%\bf obsolete in latex2e, and anyway looks like a heading to me.
\section*{Personal Record Table}

%\begin{table}[H] % table not needed here (and H not defined unless you load float package)
\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt}% keep letters off the lines.

% using r not c for numeric column,
% make p columns narrower, so they fit on page

         & Your Investment
         & Total Investment
         & Group 1 Invesment
         & Group2 Investment
         & Total payoffs from The Account
         & Your payoffs from The Account
         & Your private payoffs
         & Your initial payoffs
         & Cost of deduction points assigned
         & Number of deduction points received
         & Cost of deduction points received
         & Losses from deductions
         & Final payoffs for this period
         & Total payoffs for all periods\\


         1 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         2 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         3 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         4 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         5 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         6 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         7 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         8 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         9 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
         10 & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline


%   END



  • 使用该rotating包及其sidewaystable环境将表格放置在横向模式中。

  • 使用类似的东西\usepackage[vmargin=0.5in]{geometry}来为表提供最大的空间。

  • 使用tabularx包及其同名环境,宽度为\textwidth;让包自动计算 14 [!] 数据列的宽度。由于环境tabularx设置为占用,因此表\textwidth中不需要(或没有意义) 。\centering

  • 使用\raggedright它来代替数据列的默认完全对齐。

  • 我不清楚字符串的作用Personal Record Table是什么。我假设它属于\caption命令;然而,我可能错了。

  • 发出指令\small 里面环境sidewaystable将字体大小减小 10%,并通过设置 来减少列间空白量\setlength\tabcolsep{2pt}。 (此参数的默认值为6pt。)这两个更改成功地将标题所需的行数减少到 4。


  • 该选项9pt无法识别,因此被article文档类忽略。因此,我已将其从下面的代码中删除。article文档类仅识别10pt(默认)、11pt12pt作为与字体大小相关的选项。

  • 该宏{\bf ...}是 PlainTeX;对于 LaTeX 文档,最好使用\textbf{...}

  • 您的示例代码包含大量与当前表格无关的材料;我擅自将代码精简为排版表格所必需的内容。


\usepackage{rotating} % for sidewaystable environment
\usepackage{tabularx} % for tabularx environment


\small % 10% reduction of fontsize, i.e., from 10pt to 9pt
\setlength\tabcolsep{2pt} % default value: 6pt
\caption{Personal Record Table}


& \textbf{Your Investment}
& \textbf{Total Investment}
& \textbf{Group1 Investment}
& \textbf{Group2 Investment}
& \textbf{Total payoffs from The Account}
& \textbf{Your payoffs from The Account}
& \textbf{Your private payoffs}
& \textbf{Your initial payoffs}
& \textbf{Cost of deduction points assigned}
& \textbf{Number of deduction points received}
& \textbf{Cost of deduction points received}
& \textbf{Losses from deductions}
& \textbf{Final payoffs for this period}
& \textbf{Total payoffs for all periods}\\
\textbf{1} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{2} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{3} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{4} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{5} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{6} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{7} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{8} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{9} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
\textbf{10} & & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[2ex]\hline
