Biblatex 引用样式 ASM

Biblatex 引用样式 ASM

基于代码使用 biblatex 配置参考书目美国微生物学会 (ASM) 的 BibTeX 格式 – 按时间顺序排列,作者以粗体显示 我正在尝试配置参考书目,使其看起来像 ASM 示例:

  1. Caserta E、Haemig HAH、Manias DA、Tomsic J、Grundy FJ、Henkin TM、Dunny GM。2012 年。体内体外分析PrgX信息素受体蛋白对信息素反应prgQ启动子的调控。细菌学杂志。194:3386-3394。


\documentclass[american, 12pt]{article}






 % remove the \addot if you don't want a dot before the year.
 \xapptobibmacro{author}{\adddot\addspace\printfield{year}}{\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{author} to include year}}{\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{author} to include year}}
 \xapptobibmacro{editor}{\adddot\addspace\printfield{year}}{\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{editor} to include year}}{\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{editor} to include year}}



author        = {David D. Ho and Avidan U. Neumann and Alan S. Perelson and Wen Chen   and John M. Leonard and Martin Markowitz},
title         = {Rapid turnover of plasma virions and CD4 lymphocytes in HIV-1 infection},
journal       = {Nature},
volume        = {373},
number        = {6510},
page          = {123-126},
date          = {1995},
  author        = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter and Rita Esearcher and Steven C. Ientist and Stuart T. Udent and Peter R. Ofessor and Lewis E. C. Turer},
title         = {An Article about Articles},
journal       = {Journal of Articles},
volume        = {8},
number        = {2},
page          = {1-5},
date          = {2010},
  author        = {Arnold Uthor and William Riter},
  title         = {A Very Interesting Article},
  journal       = {Journal of Articles},
  volume        = {7},
  number        = {3},
  page          = {1-5},
  date          = {2010},
  author        = {Walter Ordsmith},
  editor        = {Eddie Ditor},
  title         = {The Work},
  subtitle      = {Subtitle},
  date          = {1983},
  author        = {Bernie Logger},
  title         = {A Very Opinionated Blog Post},
  url           = {},
  year          = {2013},

  Let's cite \cite{ho1995}.

我如何才能删除括号 [1] 以在参考书目中得到 1. 的数字,以及如何隐藏页码后参考文献末尾的日期?感谢您的建议。




至于在作者姓名后面加上日期,这有点复杂(至少对我来说是这样——也许有人能给出更好的解决方案)。首先,它包括查看 standard.bbx 中的不同 \DeclareBibliographyDriver 命令,并隐藏负责日期的宏,必要时替换它们。




后者未由 biblatex 定义。因此,您必须定义一个 \newbibmacro*{publisher+location},其成分与前者相同,但您需要删除倒数第二个命令 \usebibmacro{date}。这将解决 book、collection、inbook、incollection 和 manual 的问题。

类似的其他 bibmacro 必须以相同的方式替换:location+date(小册子、未出版);event+venue+date((在)诉讼中);organization+location+date(杂项);institution+location+date(报告、论文)。对于专利(?)和在线,只需隐藏 \usebibmacro{date}。

文章的情况略有不同:负责打印日期的是 journal+issuetitle 宏;在宏定义的末尾,您必须将 \usebibmacro{issue+date} 替换为 \usebibmacro{issue}。





就这些。希望我说得清楚了。我再补充一下,你不需要使用 xpatch 来解决此问题。


添加于 01/30:这是我用来重新定义 journal+issue 宏的代码:



浏览所有书目驱动程序并进行更改非常繁琐(记住:永远不要直接更改样式,而要更改重命名的副本;不是修改原始文件standard.bbxbiblatex.def),但由于 awesomexpatch软件包和biblatex的功能,这并不总是必要的。在这种情况下,我们也可以避免它。


\usepackage[style=numeric, subentry, sorting=none, backend=biber, firstinits=true, terseinits=true, url=false, doi=false, isbn=false, maxbibnames=999]{biblatex}

您需要使用 biber 才能使用terseinits=true



这将为您提供“last f”名称,而“last”和“f”之间没有任何逗号。没有特殊的最后和,只有标准逗号。


我们用粗体显示作者(正如 @lockstep 所建议的使用 biblatex 的参考书目:如何使用 authoryear 样式实现粗体标签?



% remove the \addperiod if you don't want a dot before the year.
  {\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{author} to include year}}
  {\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{author} to include year}}
  {\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{editor} to include year}}
  {\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{editor} to include year}}


\DeclareFieldFormat[article, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, patent, thesis, unpublished]{title}{#1\isdot}






\documentclass[american, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[style=numeric, subentry, sorting=none, backend=biber, firstinits=true, terseinits=true, url=false, doi=false, isbn=false, maxbibnames=999]{biblatex}

  author        = {David D. Ho and Avidan U. Neumann and Alan S. Perelson and Wen Chen and John M. Leonard and Martin Markowitz},
  title         = {Rapid turnover of plasma virions and CD4 lymphocytes in HIV-1 infection},
  journal       = {Nature},
  volume        = {373},
  number        = {6510},
  pages         = {123-126},
  date          = {1995},
  author      = {Enrico Caserta and Heather A. H. Haemig and Dawn A. Manias and Jerneja Tomsic and Frank J. Grundy and Tina M. Henkin and Gary M. Dunny},
  title       = {\emph{In Vivo} and \emph{In Vitro} Analyses of Regulation of the Pheromone-Responsive \emph{prgQ} Promoter by the PrgX Pheromone Receptor Protein},
  journaltitle= {J. Bacteriol},
  volume      = {194},
  number      = {13},
  date        = {2012-07},
  pages       = {3386-3394},
  doi         = {10.1128/JB.00364-12},



% remove the \addperiod if you don't want a dot before the year.
  {\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{author} to include year}}
  {\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{author} to include year}}
  {\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{editor} to include year}}
  {\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{editor} to include year}}

  Let's cite \cite{ho1995,casertPrgQPrgX}.



这是一个相当古老的话题,但我在自己搜索 bibtex/biblatex 文件以重现 ASM 期刊参考文献样式时偶然发现了它

我按照@moewe 的说明进行了操作,并将所有内容整合在一起tex 文件可在我的 github 上找到,它可能不是最佳的,但目前它可以正确复制书籍、文章和收藏条目

\usepackage[style=numeric, subentry, sorting=none, backend=biber, firstinits=true, terseinits=true, url=false, doi=true, isbn=false, maxbibnames=999, eprint=false]{biblatex}


%Get rid of quotation marks around titles
\DeclareFieldFormat[article, book, patent, thesis, unpublished]{title}{#1\isdot}
\DeclareFieldFormat[inbook, incollection, inproceedings]{title}{#1\addcomma}

%have vol:pag for article

%No ``in'' for articles, italic In for the rest
 {\printtext{{\itshape In}\space}}

% Append the year to the author/editor macros
               {\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{author} to include year}}
               {\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{author} to include year}}
               {\typeout{successfully patched bibmacro{editor} to include year}}
               {\typeout{failed to patch bibmacro{editor} to include year}}
%and remove date at end


%remove the number, only volume (format is VOL:Pin-Pfin)

%no editors for articles

% want full doi url

%redefine book and incollection formats




注意:最新的 ASM 格式不再有粗体作者
