

在某些幻灯片上,我想使用彩色背景突出显示一些文本,如下所示: 文本中部分单词突出显示


我手动制作了这个示例。我想要一个宏,\highlighton这样我就可以通过编写来产生效果\highlighton<1>{`to protrude out'}。这个奇妙的包tcolorbox提供了几乎可以解决问题的宏。这是一个例子。

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
  \alt<#1>{\tcbox[enhanced,boxrule=0pt,colback=red!50,interior style=
  {opacity=0.7},frame style={opacity=0.5},nobeforeafter,tcbox raise base,shrink
  tight,extrude by=5mm]{#2}}{#2}%


\textbf{Extrude}, \textit{v}.\ trans. \textbf{1}.\ To thrust (a person) out or forth;
to urge or force out; to expel.  \textbf{a}.\ with obj.\ a person.  \textbf{b}.\ with
obj.\ a material thing; in mod.\ use esp.\ to exclude (an embryo, ova, etc.). Also 
occas.\ with sense \highlighton<1>{`to protrude out'}.  \textbf{c}. with an immaterial 
thing as obj. \textbf{d}.\ To shape (metals, plastics, etc.)\ by forcing them through 
dies. \textbf{2}.\ intr.\ for refl. To protrude out. rare.



此代码(其中extrude by 5mm生成边框)产生以下输出。文本突出显示的文本“变暗”,但文本突出显示的文本不是。有没有办法产生我想要的效果?



我的答案与 Claudio Fiandrino 的想法相同。但它使用tcolorbox(v2.61),您可以在页面上使用任意数量的突出显示。

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
  \tcbox[enhanced,remember as={#1},frame hidden,interior hidden,boxrule=0pt,nobeforeafter,
    tcbox raise base,shrink tight]{#2}%
  \alt<#1>{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]\node at (#2){%
  \tcbox[enhanced,boxrule=0pt,colback=red!50,interior style={opacity=0.7},
         frame style={opacity=0.5},nobeforeafter,tcbox raise base,shrink tight,
         extrude by=5mm]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/myremember/#2}}};}{}%


\textbf{Extrude}, \textit{v}.\ trans. \textbf{1}.\ To thrust (a person) out or forth;
to urge or force out; to expel.  \textbf{a}.\ with obj.\ a person.  \textbf{b}.\ with
obj.\ a material thing; in mod.\ use esp.\ to exclude (an embryo, ova, etc.). Also
occas.\ with sense \remember{protrude}{`to protrude out'}.  \textbf{c}. with an immaterial
thing as obj. \textbf{d}.\ To shape \remember{etc}{(metals, plastics, etc.)}\ by forcing them through
dies. \textbf{2}.\ intr.\ for refl. To protrude out. rare.%





这是仅适用于 TikZ 的一个可能解决方案:

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}



\tikz[remember picture,baseline=-0.5ex] 
\node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] (#1) {#2};%
\global\@namedef{text@\thestoretxt\expandafter}\expandafter{#2}% storing text

\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{
\edef\txt{\@nameuse{text@\theshowtxt}}% retrieve the correct text
\node[opacity=0.8,text opacity=1,rounded corners,
minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1.5cm,% size of the box
background fill=red!50,fill on=#2,% box visibility
visible on=#2% we need this to have the filling only in some overlays,
% otherwise the opacity would affect all overlays


\textbf{Extrude}, \textit{v}.\ trans. \textbf{1}.\ To thrust (a person) out or forth;
to urge or force out; to expel.  \textbf{a}.\ with obj.\ a person.  \textbf{b}.\ with
obj.\ a material thing; in mod.\ use esp.\ to exclude (an embryo, ova, etc.). Also 
occas.\ with sense \tikzmark{mark}{`to protrude out'}.  \textbf{c}. with an immaterial 
thing as obj. \textbf{d}.\ To shape \tikzmark{m2}{(metals, plastics, etc.)}\ by forcing them through 
dies. \textbf{2}.\ intr.\ for refl. To protrude out. rare.

\highlighton<2>{mark}% important to have it here after the text








\textbf{Extrude}, \textit{v}.\ trans. \textbf{1}.\ To thrust (a person) out or forth;
to urge or force out; to expel.  \textbf{a}.\ with obj.\ a person.  \textbf{b}.\ with
obj.\ a material thing; in mod.\ use esp.\ to exclude (an embryo, ova, etc.). Also 
occas.\ with sense \spot<1>(foo){`to protrude out'}.  \textbf{c}. with an immaterial 
thing as obj. \textbf{d}.\ To shape (metals, plastics, etc.)\ by forcing them through 
dies. \textbf{2}.\ intr.\ for refl. To protrude out. rare.


