最近我从一位内部人士那里了解到,PDF 格式的简历可能存在一个重大缺点:人力资源部门使用的自动数据挖掘工具有时无法从 PDF 中提取信息。您很可能至少经历过一次被要求发送 WORD 格式的简历(但愿不会)。原因似乎是人力资源人员使用的工具不能很好地处理 PDF。
使用 Org-mode 生成你的简历
我即将讨论的解决方案受到以下解决方案的启发:普尼斯·查甘蒂。主要想法是有一个中央 org 文件,它将作为生成 PDF 或 ODT(openoffice)版本简历的数据库。关键想法是有一个专用包,它将格式化数据导出为 PDF。这将产生一个由 org 文件管理的格式良好的 PDF。目前我不知道如何改进 ODT 输出的格式,但这并不重要;只有自动化系统(ATS)才能“打开”此版本的简历。
- 定义分段以允许类似简历的外观。特别是:
用作边栏标题。 - 可选的键值,定义将插入到生成的 PDF 中的个人资料图像
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\DeclareStringOption{profilePic} % holding the filename of profile pic
\DeclareStringOption[60pt]{profilePicWidth} % holding width of profile pic
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END Options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% A Few Useful Packages
\RequirePackage[paper=a4paper,top=0.5in, bottom=0.5in, left=2in, right=1in]%
\RequirePackage{titlesec} % custom section
\RequirePackage{etoolbox} % Needed for if-else statements
\RequirePackage{paralist} % Define special lists
\RequirePackage{tabto} % Allow tabbing for inline tabbed list
\RequirePackage[symbol]{footmisc} % Have symbols instead of number for footnotes
\RequirePackage{tikz} % Used for insertion and decoration of the profile picture
\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks, urlcolor=linkcolour,linkcolor=linkcolour}
\pagestyle{empty} % plain
%% Measure profile picture's dimensions for the insertion in the title.
\newlength{\ProfilePich} % Will store the height of the profile picture
\newlength{\ProfilePicd} % Will store the depth of the profile picture
\newlength{\ProfilePicw} % Will store the width of the profile picture
% create and save the box
%% Title
% Check whether profile picture was provided as a package option.
\ifx \CV@profilePic \@empty
\relax % profile pic was not provided in package's options
% Insert candidate's name as given in the org-file.
\raggedright{{\Huge \bfseries \scalebox{1.2}{\@title}}}\\[.5in]
\ifdef{\@yourpicture}{ % profile pic was provided
\fill[black!20] (0,0) %
node[anchor=south west] {%
} %
rectangle ($(\the\ProfilePicw,\the\ProfilePich)$);
} % end of profile picture insertion.
% No profile picture to insert
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%End of heading%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Section Headings, etc.
\titleformat{\section} %command
% [] % shape
{\Large\scshape\raggedright} %format
{} %label
{0pt} %sep
{} %before
\titleformat{\subsection} %command
{\small\bfseries\raggedright} %format
{} %label
{0pt} %sep
{} %before
[\vspace{0.5ex}] %after
\titleformat{\subsubsection} %command
[leftmargin] %shape
{\small\scshape\raggedleft} %format
{} %label
{0pt} %sep
{} %before
[] %after
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%End of sectioning%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Paragraph indent
% Lists
% This macro alters a list by removing some of the space that follows the list
% (is used by lists below)
% Inline tabbed itemize
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%End of lists definitions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#+OPTIONS: tags:nil toc:nil author:nil num:nil H:3
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[profilePic=profile-pic,profilePicWidth=60pt]{orgCV}
#+TITLE: Foo Bar
* Contact and Personal Information
*** Address
Right here street, Somewhere
*** Email
[[mailto:[email protected]][[email protected]]]
*** Web Pages
* Language Skills
*** Klingon
Native language
*** Elvish
Fluent (speaking, reading and writing)
* Fields of Interest
- Space traveling
- Hunting goblins
* Education
** University of nowhere (since 1234)
PhD. Candidate. Title of dissertation:
# Dissertation's title
*/Find and Kill Goblins/*
* Technical Skills
** Hunting Skills
#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment tabbedenum :options {3}
- ~wolves~
- ~bears~
- ~elephants~
** Social Skills
* References
Do you really need them?