\newcommand Tikz 参数问题

\newcommand Tikz 参数问题

我有这两个命令来在图上从 y 读取 x 或从 x 读取 y。

问题在于标签是 180:#3,其上方位置位于 #3 东侧位置。


    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:#2,0)|-(axis cs:0,#3) coordinate (Y) ;
    \node[small dot,pin=#1:#3] at (Y) {};

    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:0,#2)-|(axis cs:#3,0) coordinate (Y) ;
    \node[small dot,pin=#1:#3] at (Y) {};


    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:#2,0)|-(axis cs:0,#3) coordinate (Y) ;
    \node[small dot,pin={[pin position={#1}]{#3}}] at (Y) {};

    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:0,#2)-|(axis cs:#3,0) coordinate (Y) ;
    \node[small dot,pin={[pin position={#1}]{#3}}] at (Y) {};


我是说 :

  • 第一个参数是最佳角度,

  • 第二个是我知道的价值

  • 函数给出的值中的第三个,并在图上显示为红色(图像或先行项)




 % boite de couleur avec un filet autour
     boxcolor/.style args={#1}{%
   fill=#1!25!white,rectangle,rounded corners=4pt,font=\footnotesize,draw=#1},
    small dot/.style={fill=black,circle,scale=0.3}}

    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:#2,0)|-(axis cs:0,#3) coordinate (Y) ;
    \node[small dot,pin={[boxcolor=green,pin position={#1}]{%
            \pgfmathprintnumber[use comma]{#3}}}] at (Y) {};

    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:0,#2)-|(axis cs:#3,0) coordinate (Y) ;
    \node[small dot,pin={[boxcolor=green,pin position={#1}]{%
\pgfmathprintnumber[use comma]{#3}}}] at (Y) {};

axis x line=center, axis y line=center]
\node[below left] at (axis cs:0,0) {\footnotesize $0$};
\ReadX{.5}{.5} ;
\ReadY{1}{1.5} ;


感谢 Peter Grill,他提供了更多选项,甚至还有 en node 来在要点本身上放置一些内容:

    D<>{green}% [#1] first color
    o%% [#2] = optional parameters x pin
        % (no x pin if no angle provided, which is the default)
    m%  % {#3} = x value (mandatory paramater)
    D<>{green}% [#4] second color
    o%% [#5] = optional parameters for y pin
        % (no y in if no angle provided, which is the default)
    m%  % {#6} = y value (mandatory paramater)
    \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:#3,0) coordinate (ReadX)%
        |- (axis cs:0,#6) coordinate (ReadY) ;
    % new node on the point
    \coordinate (ReadXY) at (axis cs:#3,#6) ;
        \node[small dot,pin={[boxcolor=#1,pin position={#2}]
            {\smash[b]{\pgfmathprintnumber[use comma]{#3}}}}] at (ReadX) {};
        \node[small dot,pin={[boxcolor=#4,pin position={#5}]
            {\smash[b]{\pgfmathprintnumber[use comma]{#6}}}}] at (ReadY) {};


我不能 100% 确定我理解您的意思,但是这应该可以让您了解如何将命令组合成一个命令。


  • 标签盒xy
  • 标签仅有的x
  • 标签仅有的y
  • 标签两者都不坐标,只需画出线条:





    boxcolor/.style args={#1}{%
    fill=#1!25!white,rectangle,rounded corners=4pt,font=\footnotesize,draw=#1},
    small dot/.style={fill=black,circle,scale=0.3}}

    O{}% [#1] = optional parameters x pin (no x pin if no angle provided, which is the default)
    O{}% [#2] = optional parameters for y pin (no y pin if no angle provided, which is the default)
    m% {#3} = x value (mandatory paramater)
    m% {#4} = y value (mandatory paramater)
        \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:0,#4)-|(axis cs:#3,0) coordinate (Y) ;
        \node[small dot,pin={[boxcolor=green,pin position={#1}]
            {\pgfmathprintnumber[use comma]{#3}}}] at (Y) {};
        \draw[very thin, dashed] (axis cs:#3,0)|-(axis cs:0,#4) coordinate (Y) ;
        \node[small dot,pin={[boxcolor=green,pin position={#2}]
            {\pgfmathprintnumber[use comma]{#4}}}] at (Y) {};

\begin{axis}[xmax=2,xmin=-2,ymin=-2,ymax=2,axis x line=center, axis y line=center]
    \node[below left] at (axis cs:0,0) {\footnotesize $0$};
    \ReadXY[-120][-160]{0.75}{1.0};% <--- Label BOTH x and y
    \ReadXY[45][]{1.25}{1.4};% <--- Label ONLY x
    \ReadXY[][20]{-1.5}{-1.7};% <--- Label ONLY y

