Beamer 反应编号问题

Beamer 反应编号问题

使用reactions环境Beamer以及\begin{itemize}[<+->]会导致在揭示时对反应重新编号。在下面的例子中,反应在初始幻灯片上按要求标记为 1-3,但在揭示列表中的文本时,它们随后被重新编号为 4-5、7-9、10-12 和 13-15。有没有快速解决这个问题而不删除[<+->]; \begin{itemize}[<+->])

我尝试按照这个建议把\numberwithin{reaction}{chapter} frameslide代替chapterChemmacros 不会在新章节中重置反应计数器。我想我需要chapter用正确的计数器标识符替换...

 Cl-Cl ->[$\Delta$][$h\nu$] 2 "\Lewis{0.,Cl}"  \label{react:init}\\
R3H + Cl "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}" -> R3 "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}" + HCl    \label{react:propagation}
\item Initiation is cleavage of \ch{Cl-Cl} bond, Reaction~\ref{react:init}
\item 1st reaction is that of \ch{ Cl "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}"} with a hydrogen, Reaction~\ref{react:propagation1}
\item Once the carbon radical is formed \ch{ R3 "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}" }, subsequent bonding to the halogen \ch{Cl-Cl} can only occur at the radical site, Reaction~\ref{react:prop2}
\item Formation of \ch{HCl} is common to all reactants so determining factor must be the dissociation of the \ch{R-H} bond
\item Therefore not all \ch{C-H} bonds are equal







 Cl-Cl ->[$\Delta$][$h\nu$] 2 "\Lewis{0.,Cl}"  \label{react:init}\\
R3H + Cl "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}" -> R3 "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}" + HCl    \label{react:propagation}
\item Initiation is cleavage of \ch{Cl-Cl} bond, Reaction~\ref{react:init}
\item 1st reaction is that of \ch{ Cl "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}"} with a hydrogen, Reaction~\ref{react:propagation1}
\item Once the carbon radical is formed \ch{ R3 "\Lewis{0.,\vphantom{H}}" }, subsequent bonding to the halogen \ch{Cl-Cl} can only occur at the radical site, Reaction~\ref{react:prop2}
\item Formation of \ch{HCl} is common to all reactants so determining factor must be the dissociation of the \ch{R-H} bond
\item Therefore not all \ch{C-H} bonds are equal

