在我的论文中,我使用 url 和 hyperref 包(它们包含在论文模板中)来获取从引用作品的位置到参考书目中引用的位置的链接(效果很好)。我试图在我正在写的论文中做同样的事情,但是当我构建该论文时,指向图表的链接有效,但指向参考文献的链接无效。MWE 是:
\documentclass[letterpaper, 12 pt, conference]{ieeeconf}
\pdfoptionpdfminorversion 6
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath}
\usepackage[labelformat=simple]{subcaption} % allows for subfigures
breaklinks = false, % Allow link text to break across lines (default=false).
colorlinks = false, % Color the text of links (true) or put color frames over
linkbordercolor = {1 1 1}, % The color of the box around normal links (white so they won't show up)
citebordercolor = {1 1 1}, % The color of the box around citations (white so they won't show up)
% the links (false).
pdfstartview = {FitV}, % Set the startup page view. Possible options are:
% FitH: Fit whole width of page
% FitV: Fit whole height of page
% FitB: Fit whole ?Bounding Box? page
% FitBH: Fit whole width of ?Bounding Box? of page
% FitBV: Fit whole height of ?Bounding Box? of page
bookmarksnumbered = true, % Put section numbers in bookmarks (default=false)
bookmarksopen = true, % Open up the bookmark trees (default=false).
bookmarksopenlevel = 0, % Level to which bookmarks are open (default=\maxdimen).
bookmarkstype = toc, % Specify which toc file to mimic (default=toc).
pdfpagemode = {UseOutlines}, % Specify how document starts when opened ({None}).
% Possible options are:,
% None: Neither bookmarks nor thumbnails are visible.
% UseOutlines: Bookmarks are visible.
% UseThumbs: Thumbnails are visible.
% FullScreen: Full-screen mode
pdftitle = {My Title},
pdfauthor = {Authors},
pdfcreator = {PDF Creator},
pdfsubject = {PDF Subject},
pdfkeywords = {PDF Keywords},
pdfborder = {0 0 0},}
\title{\LARGE \bf My Title}
\thanks{Me \href{mailto:[email protected]}{\tt\footnotesize [email protected]}}} %% End the author section
% make the title area
My abstract
Blah blah list of citations now \cite{Stone2001_2} and \cite{Green2005}.
这需要 ieeeconf.cls 文件。refs.bib 文件包含(以及其他参考资料):
address = {Monterey, CA},
author = {Green, WE and Oh, PY},
booktitle = {Proceedings, 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics.},
doi = {10.1109/AIM.2005.1511063},
isbn = {0-7803-9047-4},
keywords = {Aerial Robots,Fixed wing UAV,Hover,Unmanned Aerial Vehicles},
pages = {693--698},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {{A MAV That Flies Like an Airplane and Hovers Like a Helicopter}},
url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=1511063},
year = {2005}
address = {Canberra},
author = {Stone, Roland Hugh and Clarke, G},
booktitle = {Australian International Aerospace Congress},
month = mar,
title = {{Optimization of Transition Maneuvers for a Tailsitter Unmanned Air Vehicle}},
year = {2001}
知道我错过了什么吗?我在 Windows 7 上使用 TeXstudio。
编辑:我做了一些额外的故障排除,似乎如果我将文档类中的 ieeeconf 替换为 report,那么一切都会正常工作。ieeeconf 阻止这种情况的原因是什么?
事实证明 ieeeconf.cls 文件包含此注释:
% 11/2002 V1.6b (MDS) changes:
% 1) Fixed problem with figure captions when using hyperref. Thanks to
% Leandro Barajas and Michael Bassetti for reporting this bug.
% 2) Provide a fake nabib command \NAT@parse so that hyperref will not
% interfere with the operation of cite.sty. However, as a result citation
% numbers will not be hyperlinked. Also, natbib will not be able to work
% with IEEEtran. However, this is perhaps the best solution until cite.sty
% and hyperref.sty are able to co-exist with each other.
% It easy enough to override the fake command via:
% \makeatletter
% \let\NAT@parse\undefined
% \makeatother
因此,我在加载 url 和 hyperref 包之前添加了以下内容:
一切正常。在尝试解决这个问题时,我读到(不幸的是我找不到来源)cite 和 hyperref 现在是相互兼容的。我在论文中很好地使用了它们,没有任何问题。