


\item *Kang, B., In, F., Kim, G., and Kim, T. (2010). A longer look at the asymmetric dependence between hedge funds and the equity market, \textit{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 45(3), 763-789.

This publication provides a core, comprehensive backbone for the current ARC proposal on hedge funds in Australia (ABDC: A*, IF: 1.342, SSRN downloads: 111).


\settowidth\mylena{M. Veerarghavan}
\settowidth\mylenc{systemic risk, hedge funds}    

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{|X |
  >{\centering}p{\mylena} |
  >{\centering}p{\mylenb} |
  >{\centering}p{\mylenb} |
  X |}
Project Id & CI Name/s & Amount Funded & Amount of Years & Project Title \\
DP110103260 & Prof. \textbf{F. In}, A/Prof. P. Lajbcygier, Prof. M. Veerarghavan & \$225,048 &  3 & Systemic risk, hedge funds and modelling asymmetric dependence using a Copula approach \\

\item In, F., and Yoon, J. (2007). Determination of asset prices with an investment-specific technology model: Implications for the equity premium puzzle, \textit{Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, 31(8), 2637-2658.

This paper resolves the so-called equity premium puzzle of asset pricing using an investment-specific technology model (ABDC: A*, IF: 0.703).





我想更改一些内容。首先,表格本身看起来不太好看,我希望第一列和最后一列中的所有内容都居中对齐,就像其他列一样,但每当我更改为时Xc我都会收到很多错误。我还希望表格与它前面的文本对齐,例如,当前它在枚举环境中与数字 1 对齐,但我希望它与数字 1 之后的文本对齐(这样整个表格的“宽度”与文本的宽度相同)。此外,由于某种原因,表格和下一个项目之间存在很大间隙,我怎样才能使这个间隙普遍变小,因为每个列表后面都会有一个表格。






\item *Kang, B., In, F., Kim, G., and Kim, T. (2010). A longer look at the asymmetric dependence between hedge funds and the equity market, \textit{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 45(3), 763-789.

This publication provides a core, comprehensive backbone for the current ARC proposal on hedge funds in Australia (ABDC: A*, IF: 1.342, SSRN downloads: 111).

\settowidth\mylena{M. Veerarghavan}
\settowidth\mylenc{systemic risk, hedge funds}    
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|X |
  >{\centering}p{\mylena} |
  >{\centering}p{\mylenb} |
  >{\centering}p{\mylenb} |
  >{\centering\arraybackslash}X |}
Project Id & CI Name/s & Amount Funded & Amount of Years & Project Title \\
DP110103260 & Prof. \textbf{F. In}, A/Prof. P. Lajbcygier, Prof. M. Veerarghavan & \$225,048 &  3 & Systemic risk, hedge funds and modelling asymmetric dependence using a Copula approach \\

\item In, F., and Yoon, J. (2007). Determination of asset prices with an investment-specific technology model: Implications for the equity premium puzzle, \textit{Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, 31(8), 2637-2658.

This paper resolves the so-called equity premium puzzle of asset pricing using an investment-specific technology model (ABDC: A*, IF: 0.703).








\item *Kang, B., In, F., Kim, G., and Kim, T. (2010). A longer look at the asymmetric dependence between hedge funds and the equity market, \textit{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 45(3), 763-789.

This publication provides a core, comprehensive backbone for the current ARC proposal on hedge funds in Australia (ABDC: A*, IF: 1.342, SSRN downloads: 111).

\settowidth\mylena{M. Veerarghavan}
\settowidth\mylenc{systemic risk, hedge funds}    
  >{\centering\arraybackslash}X }
Project Id & CI Name/s & Amount Funded & Amount of Years & Project Title \\
DP110103260 & Prof. \textbf{F. In}, A/Prof. P. Lajbcygier, Prof. M. Veerarghavan & \$225,048 &  3 & Systemic risk, hedge funds and modelling asymmetric dependence using a Copula approach \\

\item In, F., and Yoon, J. (2007). Determination of asset prices with an investment-specific technology model: Implications for the equity premium puzzle, \textit{Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, 31(8), 2637-2658.

This paper resolves the so-called equity premium puzzle of asset pricing using an investment-specific technology model (ABDC: A*, IF: 0.703).







\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{booktabs,tabularx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{booktabs,tabularx}
\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem

  \item *Kang, B., In, F., Kim, G., and Kim, T. (2010). A longer look at the 
    asymmetric dependence between hedge funds and the equity market, \textit{Journal 
    of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 45(3), 763-789.

    This publication provides a core, comprehensive backbone for the current ARC 
    proposal on hedge funds in Australia (ABDC: A*, IF: 1.342, SSRN downloads: 111).

    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\centering} X  c  c  c >{\raggedright\arraybackslash} X }
      Project Id & CI Name/s & \StackIt{Amount\\Funded} & \StackIt{Amount of\\Years} & Project Title \\
      DP110103260 & \StackIt{Prof.\ \textbf{F.\ In}, \\ A/Prof.\ P.\ Lajbcygier, \\ Prof.\ M.\ Veerarghavan} & 
        \$225,048 &  3 & Systemic risk, hedge funds and modelling asymmetric dependence 
          using a Copula approach \\

  \item In, F., and Yoon, J. (2007). Determination of asset prices with an 
    investment-specific technology model: Implications for the equity premium 
    puzzle, \textit{Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, 31(8), 2637-2658.

    This paper resolves the so-called equity premium puzzle of asset pricing using 
    an investment-specific technology model (ABDC: A*, IF: 0.703).

