与 circuitikz 的联系

与 circuitikz 的联系


1)如何使用 circuitikz 在线上得到红点。2)在电阻器下方绘制电流箭头,右侧为 Im。


\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,shadows,backgrounds, calc, fit}


\tikzstyle{peripheral} = [draw, fill=blue!10, rectangle, minimum height=3em,
text width=6em, align = flush center, rounded corners, thick, drop shadow]

\tikzstyle{micro} = [draw, fill=green!10, rectangle, minimum height=7em, minimum
width = 8em, rounded corners, thick, drop shadow] 

\tikzstyle{motor} = [draw, fill=yellow!10, circle, radius=2cm, thick, drop shadow] 
\tikzstyle{motorConnector} = [draw, fill=black, rectangle, draw=black, inner sep=1mm];

\tikzstyle{line1} = [draw, thick, ->, shorten >= 1pt, >=stealth']
\tikzstyle{line2} = [draw, thick, <->, shorten >= 1pt, shorten <=1pt, >=stealth'] 
\tikzstyle{line3} = [draw, thick, shorten >=1pt]
\tikzstyle{line4} = [draw, line width=5pt , shorten >=1pt]

%beginning tikz
\begin{tikzpicture} [auto, node distance = 1cm, >=latex', background
  rectangle/.style= {fill=yellow!10, draw=blue!15, rounded corners=1ex}, show
  background rectangle, circuitikz]

 \matrix [column sep = 1cm, row sep = 0.5cm] at (0,0)
   \node [peripheral] (timer) {Timers}; &
   \node [peripheral] (rtc) {RTC}; &
   \node [peripheral] (watchdog) {Watch Dog}; &\\
   %row 2
   \node [peripheral] (comm) {Serial \\Interface}; &
   \node [micro] (cpu) {CPU}; &
   \node [peripheral] (dac) {DAC}; &\\
   %row 3
   \node [peripheral] (pwm) {PWM Timer}; &
   \node [peripheral] (adc) {ADC}; & 
   \node [peripheral] (qdec) {Quadrature \\ Decoder}; &\\
   \node [peripheral, yshift=-1.5cm] {Motor Driver};&
   \node {};&
   \node {};&\\
   \node {};&
   \node [xshift = -1cm, motor] (motor) {Motor};&\\
   \node {};&\\

 \node [draw=black, inner sep= 0.75cm, fit={(timer) (qdec) (pwm)}, rounded
 corners=1ex, thick, fill=black!20, opacity=0.1]  (motorController) {};
 \node [yshift = -0.30cm, thick] at (motorController.north) {\large$Motor Controller$};

 \node [motorConnector] at (motor.north) (connector1) {};
 \node [motorConnector] at (motor.south) (connector2) {};

 \draw (connector2.south) to [R=$R_I$] +(0,-3)
       [red, *-] {($(connector2.south) + (0,-0.5)$) -| (adc.south)} ;

 \node [ground] at ($(connector2.south) + (0,-3)$) {};







\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,shadows,backgrounds, calc, fit}


\tikzstyle{peripheral} = [draw, fill=blue!10, rectangle, minimum height=3em,
text width=6em, align = flush center, rounded corners, thick, drop shadow]

\tikzstyle{micro} = [draw, fill=green!10, rectangle, minimum height=7em, minimum
width = 8em, rounded corners, thick, drop shadow] 

\tikzstyle{motor} = [draw, fill=yellow!10, circle, radius=2cm, thick, drop shadow] 
\tikzstyle{motorConnector} = [draw, fill=black, rectangle, draw=black, inner sep=1mm];

\tikzstyle{line1} = [draw, thick, ->, shorten >= 1pt, >=stealth']
\tikzstyle{line2} = [draw, thick, <->, shorten >= 1pt, shorten <=1pt, >=stealth'] 
\tikzstyle{line3} = [draw, thick, shorten >=1pt]
\tikzstyle{line4} = [draw, line width=5pt , shorten >=1pt]

%beginning tikz
\begin{tikzpicture} [auto, node distance = 1cm, >=latex', background
  rectangle/.style= {fill=yellow!10, draw=blue!15, rounded corners=1ex}, show
  background rectangle, circuitikz]

 \matrix [column sep = 1cm, row sep = 0.5cm] at (0,0)
   \node [peripheral] (timer) {Timers}; &
   \node [peripheral] (rtc) {RTC}; &
   \node [peripheral] (watchdog) {Watch Dog}; &\\
   %row 2
   \node [peripheral] (comm) {Serial \\Interface}; &
   \node [micro] (cpu) {CPU}; &
   \node [peripheral] (dac) {DAC}; &\\
   %row 3
   \node [peripheral] (pwm) {PWM Timer}; &
   \node [peripheral] (adc) {ADC}; & 
   \node [peripheral] (qdec) {Quadrature \\ Decoder}; &\\
   \node [peripheral, yshift=-1.5cm] {Motor Driver};&
   \node {};&
   \node {};&\\
   \node {};&
   \node [xshift = -1cm, motor] (motor) {Motor};&\\
   \node {};&\\

 \node [draw=black, inner sep= 0.75cm, fit={(timer) (qdec) (pwm)}, rounded
 corners=1ex, thick, fill=black!20, opacity=0.1]  (motorController) {};
 \node [yshift = -0.30cm, thick] at (motorController.north) {\large$Motor Controller$};

 \node [motorConnector] at (motor.north) (connector1) {};
 \node [motorConnector] at (motor.south) (connector2) {};

 %%%-- some modification starts here

 \draw (connector2.south) to [R=$R_I$] +(0,-3)
{($(connector2.south) + (0,-0.5)$) -| (adc.south)} 
      [red,*-] {($(connector2.south) + (0,-0.46)$)};     %< -- the red node
\node [ground] at ($(connector2.south) + (0,-3)$) {};
\draw[red,->] ($(connector2.south)+(0,-2.2)$) to [] +(0,-0.5)node[right]{$I=1mA$}; %<--the current arrow
