一些图形在 dvi 中从右侧被剪切,但使用 tex 文件时可以纠正

一些图形在 dvi 中从右侧被剪切,但使用 tex 文件时可以纠正

我正在使用 winedt 6.0 和 miktex 2.9

当我使用++ctrl在winedt 6.0中进行编译时,输出的pdf文件是完美的。但是在创建dvi文件时,一些图形(eps文件)从右侧被剪切掉,我试图将图形缩小,但仍然有同样的问题。shiftp

样本 :

\usepackage[numbers,square, sort&compress]{natbib}




I am using winedt 6.0 , when i press Ctr+shift+p the pdf file is created without any    problems. But i need the (.dvi) file for the conference, when i create the dvi file some figures are cut from the right side and other are fine.

 I am converting matlab figures to eps (save as eps), then used the command epstool.exe --bbox --copy old.eps new.eps . I tried also changing the width at includegraphic but still have the same problem.
\includegraphics[keepaspectratio = false,width=0.95\linewidth, height =4.7cm]{fig2Resized2N.eps}
\caption{PCR versus the SNR for 3 available relay nodes case}


下面链接中的eps文件: http://www.mediafire.com/download/w055y467pcqmoko/fig2Resized2N.eps
