

我正在整理一本数学教科书(Mörters 和 Peres 的《布朗运动》)中的定理和定义列表。文档中的每一项(例如定义、定理、注释)都以标题或简洁的描述开头。此截图演示中,评论 1.4 的标题溢出到相邻列。为什么会发生这种情况?页面上的其他项目的标题同样长,但它们却能正确换行。以下是从文档开头到(包括)“泼妇”项目的代码列表。

\title{Brownian Motion}


\usepackage{amsmath}    % needed for subequations
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\newtheorem{theonition}[definition]{Theorem and Definition}


A list of definitions, theorems and examples taught in the course ``Brownian Motion''.


  Lecture No. 1

\section{Chapter 1. Brownian motion as a random function}

\subsection{Stochastic processes}

\begin{definition}[Stochastic process; p. 7]
  A \em{stochastic process} is a family $\left\{B\left(t\right) : t \geq 0\right\}$ of (uncountably many) random variables $\omega \mapsto B\left(t,\omega\right)$, defined on a single probability space $\left(\Omega,\mathcal{A},P\right)$.

\begin{comment}[Sample path interpretation of a stochastic process; p. 7]
  A stochastic process can be interpreted as a random function with the sample functions defined by $t \mapsto B\left(t,\omega\right)$.

\begin{definition}[Finite-dimensional distributions of a stochastic process; p. 8]
  By the \em{finite-dimensional distributions} of a stochastic process $\left\{B\left(t\right) : t \geq 0\right\}$ we mean the laws of all the finite dimensional random vectors $\left(B\left(t_1\right), B\left(t_2\right), \dots, B\left(t_n\right)\right)$ for all $0\leq t_1\leq t_2\leq \dots \leq t_n$.

\begin{comment}[Finite-dimensional distributions; p. 8]
  \item To describe these joint laws it suffices to describe the joint law of $B\left(0\right)$ and the increments
    \left(B\left(t_1\right) - B\left(0\right), \dots,\right. \\
      \left.B\left(t_n\right) - B\left(t_{n - 1}\right)\right)
    for all $0 \leq t_1\leq \dots \leq t_n$.
    \item The set
      \left\{\omega \in \Omega : t\mapsto B\left(t,\omega\right)\textrm{ continuous}\right\}
      is in general not in the $\sigma$-algebra generated by the random vectors $\left(B\left(t_1\right), B\left(t_2\right),\dots,B\left(t_n\right)\right),\ n\in\mathbb{N}_1$.





\normalsize{\emph{{\textbf{Isoetes schweinfurthii}}} A.Braun ex Baker}


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