

我是 LaTex 新手。以下是我的证明。我该如何编码才能让它不显示斜体?


 \indent \forall A \in \mathcal{A}, let B_{A} \: be \: the \: collection \: of \: all \: subsets \: of \: B \: containing \: exactly \: 2^{n}
\\ \indent elements. \: Using \: the \: Axiom \: of \: Choice,
\\\indent let \: g: \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \bigcup_A\inT be \: a \: choice function \: and \: let \: g(a): B_A 
\\ \indent \forall A \in T, 
\\ \indent \indent A_{A}: = B_{A} \ \bigcup_{m<A} B_{m}
\\ \indent \forall A \in \mathcal{A}, A_{A} \: are \: obviously \: disjoint \: and \: nonempty. 
\\ \indent Using \: \: the \: Axiom \: of \: Choice \: again, 
\\ \indent let \: f: \: B \: \rightarrow \bigcup_{A<T} \: A_{A} \: be \: a \: choice \: function. 
\\ \indent Then \: f \: is \: a \: bijection,\: with \: its \: image \: and \: this \: image \: is \: a \: countable \: subset \:of \:B.
\\ \indent This \: f \: is \: a \: bijection \: with \: an \: infinitely \: countable \: subset \: of \: B. \:



不要将整个材料都放在数学模式中,而只保留公式,这一点非常重要。在 TeX/LaTeX 中,“公式”可以短至单个字符,也可以长至多行显示的方程式。

无论如何,以下内容可能可以满足您的目的。请注意,符号$用于切换进入和退出内联数学模式。当不是在数学模式中,不需要提供明确的单词间间隔符 - 一个或多个空格即可 - 或明确的换行符。


附录:正如@DavidRicherby 在评论中指出的那样,:如果意图表达诸如“for which”或“such that”之类的想法,则在数学模式下使用符号(冒号)并不是最佳选择,因为 TeX 会在符号前后插入相同数量的空格:- 请参阅上面的三个此效果的说明。在这种情况下,最好使用 TeX 宏\colon

$\forall A \in \mathcal{A}$, let $B_{A}$ be the collection of all subsets 
of $B$ containing exactly $2^{n}$ elements. Using the Axiom of Choice,
let $g: \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \bigcup_A\in T$ be a choice function and let $g(a): 
B_A$ $\forall A \in T$, $A_{A}: = B_{A} \bigcup_{m<A} B_{m}$ $\forall A \in 
\mathcal{A}$, $A_{A}$ are obviously disjoint and nonempty. 

Using the Axiom of Choice again, let $f: B \rightarrow \bigcup_{A<T} A_{A}$ be a 
choice function. Then $f$ is a bijection, with its image and this image is a 
countable subset of $B$. This $f$ is a bijection with an infinitely countable subset 
of $B$. 
