



没有错误,只是编译时随机化失败。也许,这只是一个巧合。我只使用了 9 个文件,但它们仍然应该至少有 1 个变化(根据概率论)。

我在用TeXLive v1.17

下面我有 3 个文件夹,分别名为“Photochem”、“Photophys”和“Quenching”。在每个文件夹中,我都有 3 个文件,分别名为PC1.texPC2.texPC3.texPP1.texPP2.texPP3.tex; 和Quench1.texQuench2.texQuench3.tex

每个文件只包含文件名作为文本(就像一个Hello World例子),所以我可以看到正在选择哪个文件。


%\usepackage[paperheight=3.0cm, paperwidth=12.0cm, margin=0.1cm]{geometry}% Simplify image capture

\usepackage{tikz}% Easy way to get all the pgf functions

% The list of topics determines how many questions will be in the quiz
% since it appears that you want one question per topic in a quiz.
% This could be auto generated.
Photochem,%  MUST have trailing % here

% These list of files names from each question can be auto generated
% but for example purposes I am just using the file names as the
% content in the file. The number of questions in each topic do not
% need to be the same.  I would create directories with the topic 
% names and auto generate this based on the directory and file names.



\foreach \QuizNumber in {1,...,\NumberOfQuizes} {%
\clearpage% Start each quiz on a new page
\noindent\textbf{\Large Quiz Number \QuizNumber}%
\foreach \Topic in \ListOfTopics {%
    % Determine random question to use form list
    % The following should import the file named in \RandomQuestion
    \item Random Question from Topic='\Topic': 




\usepackage{datetime} % Needed for \currentsecond,\currentminute commands
\usepackage{calculator} % Needed for some calc, but perhaps can be done with tikz too
%\usepackage[paperheight=3.0cm, paperwidth=12.0cm, margin=0.1cm]{geometry}% Simplify image capture

\usepackage{tikz}% Easy way to get all the pgf functions

% The list of topics determines how many questions will be in the quiz
% since it appears that you want one question per topic in a quiz.
% This could be auto generated.
Photochem,%  MUST have trailing % here

% These list of files names from each question can be auto generated
% but for example purposes I am just using the file names as the
% content in the file. The number of questions in each topic do not
% need to be the same.  I would create directories with the topic 
% names and auto generate this based on the directory and file names.



\pgfmathsetseed{\TotalSeconds}% Uses the number of seconds since the hour started

\foreach \QuizNumber in {1,...,\NumberOfQuizes} {%

%\clearpage% Start each quiz on a new page
\noindent\textbf{\Large Quiz Number \QuizNumber}%
\foreach \Topic in \ListOfTopics {%
    % Determine random question to use form list
    % The following should import the file named in \RandomQuestion
    \item Random Question from Topic='\Topic': 



编辑 有一行不必要的代码--我将其删除了。
