% Les ensembles math{\'e}matiques, utilisant l'extension amsfonts
% Contents: Special Commands for the LShort2e Introduction
% $Id: flshort.sty,v 1.7 2001/11/25 17:43:58 matthieu Exp $
% By Tobias Oetiker
% Modified by Matthieu Herrb to handle the french extension
%save pageref an label
% Lets have some nice headings
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection{} #1}}
% Earlier paragraphs were separated by some space
%\setlength{\parskip}{1.5ex plus 0.7ex minus 0.6ex}
\newcommand{\manual}{\emph{\LaTeX{} Manual}~\cite{manual}}
\newcommand{\companion}{\emph{The \LaTeX{} Companion}~\cite{companion}}
\newcommand{\desgraupes}{\emph{\LaTeX{}, Apprentissage, guide et r�f�
\newcommand{\guide}{\emph{Local Guide}~\cite{local}}
% Some commands for helping with INDEX creation
% \protect added because needed with french package. --mh
\newcommand{\bs}{\symbol{'134}}%Print backslash
%\newcommand{\bs}{\ensuremath{\mathtt{\backslash}}}%Print backslash
% Index entry for a command (\cih for hidden command index
\index{#1@\protect\texttt{\hspace*{-1.2ex}\bs #1}}}
% Index entry for an environment
% Indexentry for a word (Word inserted into the text)
% Typesetting Commands
{\nopagebreak\par\small\addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex minus 0.2ex}%
\vskip -\parskip
{\\\hline\end{tabular}\par\nopagebreak\addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex
minus 0.2ex}%
\vskip -\parskip}
% Type setting Code Fragments
% Intro Environment
\newenvironment{intro}{\sffamily}{\vspace*{2ex minus 1.5ex}}
% Symbol Entry for Math Symbol Tables
% normal text ....
% for accents in text mode
\newcommand{\B}[2]{#1#2&\texttt{\string#1{} #2}\hspace*{1ex}}
\newcommand{\Y}[1]{$\big#1$ &\texttt{\string#1}} %
% Mathsymbol Table
% Special Prep for AMS Symbols Printout
% Should work if AMS is not available
% we have no PS versions of the rsfs fonts ... so this is a nogo for pdf
\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined % We're not running pdftex
{\let\noAMS\relax \RequirePackage{amssymb}}
% {\RequirePackage{eufrak}}{}
% Print |--| to show a distance
\newcommand{\demowidth}[1]{\rule{0.3pt}{1.3ex}\rule{#1} {0.3pt}\rule{0.3pt}{1.3ex}}
% un morceau pour hyperref
\expandafter\real@setref\csname r@#1\endcsname\@secondoffive{#1}%
% --- example ----
% This is an environment to set LaTeX examples.
% On the left side the source text and on the
% right side the typeset text.
% \begin{example}
% \Large This is Large
% \end{example}
% This Part is stolen from the verbaim.sty by FMi
{\begingroup% Lets Keep the Changes Local
\immediate\openout \example@out \jobname.exa
% And here comes my part. :-
\setbox\exa@box=\vbox{% This box is mainly for debugging
% Page \lsspageref{exa:\theexacnt}
\expandafter\ifx\csname r@exa:\theexacnt\endcsname\relax\else
\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined % We're not running pdftex
\ifx\@pr@ORI\undefined % We're not using french package
else %
\def\exa@page{\@pr@ORI{exa:\theexacnt}}% french pageref is not a number
\fi %
\else %
%\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.4ex minus 0.2ex}%
\setlength{\parskip}{0ex plus 0ex minus 0ex}%
} % end vbox
\par\addvspace{2.0ex plus 0.8ex minus 1ex}\vskip -\parskip
\par\addvspace{3.2ex plus 0.8ex minus 1ex}\vskip -\parskip
{\vspace{-1ex}\hrule \end{minipage}\end{center}}
% I want no headers on pages created by clearpage
{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
% French.sty redefined tilde. Grrr
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for the example
% Les ensembles math{\'e}matiques, utilisant l'extension amsfonts
\chapter{A chapter}
\section{A section}