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\resizebox*{!}{\textheight}{ ...}

将使表格的长度达到\textheight(上面的 MWE 中的 556.4pt)。

graphicx您可以使用的另一个命令是来自同一包的命令\scalebox。这里的问题是,您必须对缩放比例有所了解,或者尝试缩放值直到获得所需的值。要测试它,只需在 MWE 中将命令替换\resizebox为:


编辑:您评论中的“Dimension too large”错误是表格设计的问题,而不是命令的问题\resizebox。LaTeX 无法在 left、right 和cconfirmed 列内换行。对于包含长文本的列,您必须在环境中使用p{width}或 列。另一个选项是环境的、、列或环境的 列。这些环境需要同名的包和表格的总宽度作为第一个参数。例如:m{width}tabularLCRtabularyXtabularx







    & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\\\midrule
  Goal & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\\
  NoSQL and Datastores supported & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\\
  Operations supported & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\\
  No support for & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\\
  Future & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\\
  Commercial support & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\\
  Documentation & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\\\bottomrule
