好吧,我在 Latex 中使用表格时遇到了一些问题。我尝试在已经提出的问题中找到解决方案,但我既无法理解也无法让它们发挥作用。这是我的表格代码:
\caption{Model Input Information: Materials}
\begin{tabular}{c c c}
Available Materials & Material Input Parameters & Description \\
Fused Silica (delta eV = 9) & alpha & Avalanche Coefficient [\si{\cm\squared\per\joule}] \\
Fused Silica (delta eV = 7.5) & delta eV & Material Band Gap [\si{\electronvolt}] \\
\ce{GaAs} & me & Effective Electron Mass [\si{\kilogram}] \\
\ce{ZnSe} & n0 & Linear Refractive Index \\
\ce{Ge} & n2 & Non-Linear Refractive Index \\
\ce{HfO_2} & T & Effective Decay Constant [fs] \\
\ce{TiO_2} & & \\
\ce{Ta_2O_5} & & \\
\ce{Al_2O_3} & & \\
\ce{SiO_2} & & \\
表格看起来不错,但它向右延伸得太远了,几乎到了页面的边缘。我需要一种方法来解决这个问题。我尝试在 tabular 命令中使用 p 来手动设置宽度,但我不喜欢它在换行时所做的操作。它会在单词上创建连字符,而不是将它们放在一行上。
\usepackage{array,mhchem,booktabs,siunitx}% please don't leave it to people to guess these
\begin{table}[htp]% don't forget p
\caption{Model Input Information: Materials}
Available Materials & Material Input Parameters & Description \\
Fused Silica (delta eV = 9) & alpha & Avalanche Coefficient [\si{\cm\squared\per\joule}] \\
Fused Silica (delta eV = 7.5) & delta eV & Material Band Gap [\si{\electronvolt}] \\
\ce{GaAs} & me & Effective Electron Mass [\si{\kilogram}] \\
\ce{ZnSe} & n0 & Linear Refractive Index \\
\ce{Ge} & n2 & Non-Linear Refractive Index \\
\ce{HfO_2} & T & Effective Decay Constant [fs] \\
\ce{TiO_2} & & \\
\ce{Ta_2O_5} & & \\
\ce{Al_2O_3} & & \\
\ce{SiO_2} & & \\
\usepackage{array, booktabs}
\caption{Model Input Information: Materials}
\thead{Available Materials} & \thead{Material Input Parameters} & \thead{Description} \\
\makecell*{Fused Silica\\ (delta eV = 9)} & alpha & \makecell{Avalanche Coefficient\\{ [\si{\cm\squared\per\joule}]}} \\
\makecell*{Fused Silica\\ (delta eV = 7.5)} & delta eV & \makecell{Material Band Gap\\{[\si{\electronvolt}]}} \\
\makecell*{\ce{GaAs}} & me & Effective Electron Mass [\si{\kilogram}]\\
\makecell*{\ce{ZnSe}} & n0 & Linear Refractive Index \\
\makecell*{\ce{Ge}} & n2 & Non-Linear Refractive Index \\
\makecell*{\ce{HfO_2}} & T & Effective Decay Constant [fs] \\
\makecell*{\ce{TiO_2}} & & \\
\makecell*{\ce{Ta_2O_5}} & & \\
\makecell*{\ce{Al_2O_3}} & & \\
\makecell*{\ce{SiO_2}} & & \\
注意:由于我没有安装 mhchem 包,因此我重新定义了 \ce 命令以使其看起来更像真正的化学公式。