如何修改 \pstInterFF 来找到常数 m 和函数 f'(x) 之间的交点,而不必从 f(x) 中明确找到 f'(x)?

如何修改 \pstInterFF 来找到常数 m 和函数 f'(x) 之间的交点,而不必从 f(x) 中明确找到 f'(x)?




\def\fp(#1){}% is f'(x) 

% I have to use the following because the newest pst-eucl has not been installed
\pstVerb{/I2P {exec AlgParser cvx exec} def}

How to find the point $c$ such that
f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}

    %\pstInterFF[]{{\fp(x)} I2P}{{\m} I2P}{4}{c}% has not been implemented yet.





   \pnodes(*{\A} {\f{\A}}){A}(*{\B} {\f{\B}}){B}
   \pnodes(*{N-C.x} {\f{x}}){X1}(*{N-D.x} {\f{x}}){X2}











\def\FindRolleN {100}% number of tested points
\def\FindRollePt #1#2#3{%
    % #1 = function (defined with parentheses as below, not with braces, to
    %                conform to OP's code) 
    % #2 = start of interval
    % #3 = end of interval
    % the action of this  macro is to set \RolleSlope and \RolleList
    \let\ROL@N \FindRolleN
    \xintDigits := 6;% 
    \xintNewFloatExpr \ROL@F [1]{#1(##1)}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fa {\ROL@F{#2}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fb {\ROL@F{#3}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Dx {\xintfloatexpr #3 - #2 \relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Dy {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Fb-\ROL@Fa\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Slope  {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Dy/\ROL@Dx\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Stepx  {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Dx/\ROL@N\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Stepy  {\xintfloatexpr \ROL@Dy/\ROL@N\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@X {\xintfloatexpr #2\relax }%
    \let\ROL@Y   \ROL@Fa
    \oodef\ROL@@X {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@X + \ROL@Stepx\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@@Y {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@F{\ROL@@X}\relax }%
    % \count0 1 (no need for a count, use \xintiloop!)
    \def\ROL@List {}% list of local extrema
    \xintiloop [2+1]
      \oodef\ROL@@@X {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@@X + \ROL@Stepx\relax }%
      \oodef\ROL@@@Y {\xintthefloatexpr \ROL@F{\ROL@@@X}\relax }%
      % commented out, code below avoids a multiplication.
      %\xintifSgn {\xintthefloatexpr (\ROL@@Y-\ROL@Y-\ROL@Stepy)*
      %                              (\ROL@@@Y-\ROL@@Y-\ROL@Stepy)\relax}
      %           {% found a local extrema etc...
      %              code as below}
      %           {}{}%
      % this is a cleverer way to detect a change of sign. "constancy" compatible, too
                 {}% not an extrema
                 {% sum of signs=0, hence opposite signs or both zero, hence
                  % found a local extrema or a "constancy",  
% Let's round the coordinates to 4 digits after decimal mark
% Mainly because I don't know how to use floating point notation in pspicture
% point coordinates but surely it can be done.
      \ifnum\xintiloopindex < \ROL@N\space
    \global\oodef\RolleSlope{\xinttheexpr round(\ROL@Slope,4)\relax}%

% How to find the point or points $c$ such that
% \[
% f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}
% \]


% \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
% \show\RolleListe % debugging

    \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xi\space {\f(\xi)})
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xf\space {\f(\xf)})
    \xintFor* #1 in {\RolleListe}\do {%
          \xintAssign  #1\to\RolleX\RolleY


    \rput(2.5,2.5){\parbox {10cm}{How to find the point or rather the points $c$
        such that \[ f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a} \]}}
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xi\space {\f(\xi)})
% NOTE: how to use * with negative coordinate? I had to shift
% everything to be positive
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xf\space {\f(\xf)})
    \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
    \xintFor* #1 in {\RolleListe}\do {%
          \xintAssign  #1\to\RolleX\RolleY
          \oodef\xa {\xinttheexpr round(\RolleX-.5,4)\relax}%
          \oodef\xb {\xinttheexpr round(\RolleX+.5,4)\relax}%





\def\FindRolleN {100}% number of tested points
\def\FindRollePt #1#2#3{%
    % #1 = function (defined with parentheses as below, not with braces, to
    % confirm to OP) 
    % #2 = start of interval
    % #3 = end of interval
    % the action of this  macro is to set \RolleX, \RolleY, \RolleSlope
    \let\ROL@N \FindRolleN
% I use floating point numbers with some hesitation, it is not always faster
% than exact evaluations when the manipulated numbers don't have many digits
    \xintDigits := 6;% 
% I define this for the parsing of the algebraic expression to be done once and
% for all. 
% subtle detail: if \ROL@F was defined with \xintNewExpr, rather than
% \xintNewFloatExpr, its output would be in a/b[n] form, its use in the next
% expressions would have to be mandatorily within a brace pair (see manual)
% other subtle detail: \ROL@F is a macro not able to parse an argument like
% \xintexpr knows how to do. For this, explicit \xinttheexpr ..\relax, or
% \xintthefloatexpr..\relax must be used in this argument.
    \xintNewFloatExpr \ROL@F [1]{#1(##1)}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fa {\ROL@F{#2}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Fb {\ROL@F{#3}}%
    \oodef\ROL@Slope {\xintfloatexpr (\ROL@Fb-\ROL@Fa)/(#3-#2)\relax }%
    \oodef\ROL@Step  {\xintfloatexpr (#3-#2)/\ROL@N\relax }%
    \def\ROL@U {0}%
    \count0 0
    \def\ROL@J {0}%
      \advance\count0 1
      \oodef\ROL@X {\xintthefloatexpr #2+\count0*\ROL@Step\relax }%
      \oodef\ROL@V {\xintthefloatexpr 
                    \relax }%
      \xintifGt\ROL@V\ROL@U {\let\ROL@U\ROL@V\odef\ROL@J{\the\count0}}{}%
      \ifnum\count0 < \ROL@N\space
% Now converting to fixed point format with 4 digits after decimal mark
% Mainly because I don't know how to use floating point notation in pspicture
% but surely can be done.
    \oodef\ROL@Result       {\xinttheexpr round(#2+\ROL@J*\ROL@Step,4)\relax}%
    \global\oodef\RolleY    {\xinttheexpr round(\ROL@F{\RolleX},4)\relax}%
    \global\oodef\RolleSlope{\xinttheexpr round(\ROL@Slope,4)\relax}%


How to find the (rather, `a') point $c$ such that
f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}

    \FindRollePt {\f}{\xi}{\xf}%
    % I don't know how to create a dot, using algebraic expressions for the
    % coordinates, I don't know anything about pstricks
    % I have tried various things, for example this:
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xi\space {\f(\xi)})
    \psCoordinates[linestyle=dashed](*\xf\space {\f(\xf)})
    % user manual is big.
    % \rput(*\xf\space {\f(\xf)}){\rule{3pt}{3pt}}
    % \rput(*\xi\space {\f(\xi)}){\rule{3pt}{3pt}}



一个可能的解决方案是使用计算器(和 xpicture)。平均值示例


How to find the point $c$ such that
   f'(c) = \frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}

\newcpoly{\fI}{0}{30}{-11}{1}                      % fI(x)=30x-11x^2+x^3
\newlpoly{\fII}{-5}{1.5}                           % fII(x)=-5+1.5x
\LINEARCOMBINATIONfunction{0.25}{\fI}{1}{\fII}{\F} % F(x)=(1/4)fI(x)+fII(x) (this is our function)

Our function is

Values of $F$ and $F'$ at $0$ and $7$ are
      f(0)=\solZero\qquad f'(0)=\DsolZero  \\
      f(7)=\solSeven\qquad f'(7)=\DsolSeven  
And the mean value is
So, we search $c\in[0,7]$ such that $f'(c)=\meanvalue$.
We apply the bisection strategy
(in fact, this strategy is not secure, because the sign of the derivative
changes sign several times).


\whiledo{\lengthtest{\currentamplitude pt>\tolerance pt}}{%
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\derproduct pt<0 pt}}{\COPY{\XMED}{\XONE}}{\COPY{\XMED}{\XZERO}}

Having applied this method we have obtained that
the derivative equals mean value of function $F$ at $c=\XMED$.


