非常感谢您的帮助和合作,我很高兴在您的平台上找到我所有问题的答案 :) 我对 LaTex 非常陌生,有一个问题:我正在使用 tabularx 环境,不知道为什么任何表格前段落的最后一行会粘在表格上并跟随到下一页?这几乎发生在我所有的表格上:前一页仍然有空白,但页面的最后一行在表格之前转到下一页。正常情况下应该做的是完成文本,然后只将表格移动到下一页:有什么线索吗?
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%\mbox{} to force Latex to go back to the new row. retour a la ligne in paragraphs
An early market economy and an early form of mercantilism, called "Islamic capitalism", were developed between the eighth and twelfth centuries.[6] The monetary economy of the period was based on the widely circulated currency the gold dinar, and it tied together regions that were previously economically independent.
A number of economic concepts and techniques were applied in early Islamic banking, including bills of exchange, partnership (mufawada, including limited partnerships, or mudaraba), and forms of capital (al-mal), capital accumulation (nama al-mal),[7] cheques, promissory notes,[8] trusts (see Waqf),[9] transactional accounts, loaning, ledgers and assignments.[10] Organizational enterprises independent from the state also existed in the medieval Islamic world, while the agency institution was also introduced during that time.[11][12] Many of these early capitalist concepts were adopted and further advanced in medieval Europe from the 13th century onwards.[7]
The word "riba" means interest, usury, excess, increase or addition, which according to Shariah terminology, implies any excess compensation without due consideration (consideration does not include time value of money). The definition of riba in classical Islamic jurisprudence was "surplus value without counterpart", or "to ensure equivalency in real value", and that "numerical value was immaterial."
By 1995, 144 Islamic financial institutions had been established worldwide, including 33 government-run banks, 40 private banks, and 71 investment companies.[17] The involvement of institutions, governments, and various conferences and studies on Islamic banking (Conference of the Finance Ministers of the Islamic Countries held in Karachi in 1970, the Egyptian study in 1972, The First International Conference on Islamic Economics in Mecca in 1976, and the International Economic Conference in London in 1977) were the instrumental in applying the application of theory to practice for the first interest-free banks.[18][19]
There are several other approaches used in business transactions. Islamic banks lend their money to companies by issuing floating rate interest loans. The floating rate of interest is pegged to the company's individual rate of return.
\caption{\footnotesize Difference in concept of interest and tax under Islamic finance}
& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Islamic Banking} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Conventional Banking}\\ \midrule
I- & Profit & Riba\\ \cmidrule{2-3}
& Determined a posteriori , pro rata of the profit. It is a percentage of the profit generated by the project outcome. & Defined a priori, and is guaranteed to the lender regardless of the outcome of the project financed. \\ \midrule
II- & Zakat & Tax \\ \cmidrule(l){2-2} \cmidrule(r){3-3}
& Means clean and growth & Mean Debt, burden.\\
& Paid to poor only & Finance the government spending.\\
& Yearly basis & Yearly basis\\
& The wealth exceeding certain threshold. & Net Income. \\
& Fixed to 2.5\% & Differs according to the tranche.\\
& Imposed based to productive Assets. & All assets \\
环境)。a 本身threeparttable
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\paragraph*{Real interest rate}is the lending rate adjusted for the price level. The inflation adjustment is made via the GDP deflator.
\caption{\footnotesize Variables sources}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}l X X} \toprule
Variables & Transformation & Source\\ \midrule
\textbf{Dependent variable}\\
Efficiency & log(var +1)& Author DEA estimation\\
\textbf{Independent variables}\\
Real GDP growth & (xyz) log(var +1) & Bloomberg\\
Financial openness & log(var +1) & Kaufmansn index\\
Government spending & share of GDP in log form & World bank \\
Trade openness & share of GDP in log form & World bank \\
Foreign Direct Invtment & share of GDP in log form & World bank\\
Rule of law & log(var +1) & The Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2013 Update \\
High school enrollment & logarithm form & World bank and the UNESCO data base\\