重新启动 Rowcolors

重新启动 Rowcolors




\usepackage{threeparttable}             % tables with footnotes, capions all the same width
\usepackage{dcolumn}                    % decimal-aligned tabular math columns
\usepackage{multirow}                   % Allow table cells to span multiple rows
\usepackage{booktabs}                   % Formatting options for publication-quality tables
\usepackage{ltxtable}                   % long tabularx


\begin{longtable}{p{3cm} X}
    Heading row & This should be lightgrey \\
    \hline % I use \hline because \midrule counts as a row and screws with the colors
    A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    A data row & This row should be lightgrey \\
    A data row & This row sometimes doesn't exist. It would be uncolored if it did \\
    A new heading row & This should be lightgrey regardless of whether the previous row exists.





以下示例添加了一个 LaTeX 接口,以\rownum使宏\setcounter\addtocounter\therownum工作。然后,计数器在标记为 的行之前的行中重置restart


% LaTeX counter interface for \rownum
% ---

& restart\\
& restart\\
& restart\\




  • \rowcolors{1}{yellow}{red}意思是,从第一行开始,改变行颜色。第一种颜色用于奇数行,第二种颜色用于偶数行。




或者使用\setcounter{LTchunksize}{1}(和几次 LaTeX 运行):

结果 LTchunksize=1

已经longtable给行编号带来了麻烦,因此使用 不会变得更好ltxtable,因为它基于longtable。在下面的示例中,第一行获得编号 2,因此 的第一个参数\rowcolors将无法可靠地工作,除非将其设置为 1。

如果在前一行进行“重置”,则在某种程度上“重置”是有效的。但是,根据规定,第一行应该是白色而不是浅灰色,\rowcolors 并且行编号无法正常工作。

\begin{longtable}{>{\the\rownum.}r p{3.5cm} X}
    & Heading row & This should be lightgrey \\
    & A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    & A data row & This row should be lightgrey \\
    & A data row & This row sometimes doesn't exist.
                   It would be uncolored if it did
    & A new heading row & This should be lightgrey regardless
      of whether the previous row exists.\\
    & A data row & This should be uncolored \\
    & A data row & This should be lightgrey

\begin{longtable}{>{\the\rownum.}r p{3.5cm} X >{\the\rownum}l}
    & Heading row & This should be lightgrey \\
    & A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    & A data row & This row should be lightgrey 
    & A new heading row & This should be lightgrey regardless
      of whether the previous row exists.\\
    & A data row & This should be uncolored \\
    & A data row & This should be lightgrey

\usepackage{booktabs}                   % Formatting options for publication-quality tables
\usepackage{ltxtable}                   % long tabularx

    \global\rownum=0 %






\usepackage{threeparttable}             % tables with footnotes, capions all the same width
\usepackage{dcolumn}                    % decimal-aligned tabular math columns
\usepackage{multirow}                   % Allow table cells to span multiple rows
\usepackage{booktabs}                   % Formatting options for publication-quality tables
\usepackage{ltxtable}                   % long tabularx
  \begin{longtable}{p{3cm} X}
    Heading row & This should be lightgrey \\
    \hline % I use \hline because \midrule counts as a row and screws with the colors
    A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    A data row & This row should be lightgrey \\
%    A data row & This row sometimes doesn't exist. It would be uncolored if it did \\
%    \hline
    A new heading row & This should be lightgrey regardless of whether the previous row exists.\\
    A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    A data row & This row should be lightgrey \\
    A data row & This row sometimes doesn't exist. It would be uncolored if it did \\




\usepackage{threeparttable}             % tables with footnotes, capions all the same width
\usepackage{dcolumn}                    % decimal-aligned tabular math columns
\usepackage{multirow}                   % Allow table cells to span multiple rows
\usepackage{booktabs}                   % Formatting options for publication-quality tables
\usepackage{ltxtable}                   % long tabularx
  \begin{longtable}{p{3cm} X}
    Heading row & This should be lightgrey \\
    \hline % I use \hline because \midrule counts as a row and screws with the colors
    A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    A data row & This row should be lightgrey \\
    A data row & This row sometimes doesn't exist. It would be uncolored if it did \\
    A new heading row & This should be lightgrey regardless of whether the previous row exists.\\
    A data row & This row should be uncolored \\
    A data row & This row should be lightgrey \\
    A data row & This row sometimes doesn't exist. It would be uncolored if it did \\

