eledmac 包:\pausenumbering 和 \resumenumbering

eledmac 包:\pausenumbering 和 \resumenumbering

我正在使用该eledmac软件包排版一部相当大的神学著作。为了简单起见,也为了 MWE,我只使用了下面的两节诗。

预期结果:在有行号的部分之间,我想插入没有行号的文本。通常,可以使用\beginnumbering\endnumbering命令执行此操作。但是,这些命令会将行号重置回 0(或 1?)。我希望在插入非行号文本后恢复行号。

根据eledmac 手动的,第 11 页,我应该能够使用命令\pausenumbering\resumenumbering完成此操作。


  1. 该手册似乎自相矛盾(再次参见第 11 页)。它说:“\pausenumbering仅在编号段落之间使用。”它还说:“我们定义了这些命令……以防您发现有必要在编号部分之间插入文本而不干扰行号。”

  2. 无论是使用哪种用例,即是否使用\pausenumbering\resumenumbering在编号段落之间或者通过插入文本,我收到错误消息。

  3. 错误的变化如下:

    • 如果按照下面的 MWE 中提交的方式进行编译(PDFLaTeX在所有情况下使用),行号在第 10 行停止,不会以“小羊羔,我会告诉你...”继续,并且我收到错误line 45: Extra \endgroup \endgroup

    • 如果我注释掉\endgroup第 45 行的“offending”,错误信息就会消失,但是行号仍然不会恢复。

    • 尝试使用消除法,如果我注释掉插入的文本和\endgroup命令,则不会出现任何错误,但行号仍然无法恢复。


  • 我已将memoir文档类更改为articlebook,但没有任何效果。

  • 是的,我知道这eledmac是一个三遍系统。

  • 我尝试用\autoparand\pstart对替换 of 的使用\pend,但仍然没有成功。此外,实际工作量将达到几百页,我绝对不想标记每个段落!

  • 我曾尝试在此网站上搜索一些相关内容,但未能成功。

    \usepackage{eledmac} % Version 1.10.3, dated 2014-04-07
    \textbf{The Lamb}
    \emph{William Blake}
    Little Lamb, who made thee\\
    Dost thou know who made thee,\\
    Gave thee life, and bid thee feed\\
    By the stream and o'er the mead;\\
    Gave thee clothing of delight,\\
    Softest clothing, woolly, bright;\\
    Gave thee such a tender voice,\\
    Making all the vales rejoice?\\
    Little Lamb, who made thee?\\
    Dost thou know who made thee?
    This is a line between the two stanzas that should \emph{not} be number, because it is prefaced with the \verb|\pausenumbering| command.
    Little Lamb, I'll tell thee;\\
    Little Lamb, I'll tell thee:\\
    He is called by thy name,\\
    For He calls Himself a Lamb\\
    He is meek, and He is mild,\\
    He became a little child.\\
    I a child, and thou a lamb,\\
    We are call\'ed by His name.\\
    Little Lamb, God bless thee!\\
    Little Lamb, God bless thee!


实际上,这似乎是 中的一个错误eledmac



\usepackage{eledmac} % Version 1.10.3, dated 2014-04-07


\textbf{The Lamb}

\emph{William Blake}


Little Lamb, who made thee\\
Dost thou know who made thee,\\
Gave thee life, and bid thee feed\\
By the stream and o'er the mead;\\
Gave thee clothing of delight,\\
Softest clothing, woolly, bright;\\
Gave thee such a tender voice,\\
Making all the vales rejoice?\\
Little Lamb, who made thee?\\
Dost thou know who made thee?

This is a line between the two stanzas that should \emph{not} be number, because it is prefaced with the \verb|\pausenumbering| command.

Little Lamb, I'll tell thee;\\
Little Lamb, I'll tell thee:\\
He is called by thy name,\\
For He calls Himself a Lamb\\
He is meek, and He is mild,\\
He became a little child.\\
I a child, and thou a lamb,\\
We are call\'ed by His name.\\
Little Lamb, God bless thee!\\
Little Lamb, God bless thee!





这是 eledmac 中的一个错误。您可以尝试修复吗?

  1. 下载https://github.com/maieul/ledmac/archive/issue163.zip
  2. 运行.ins 文件
  3. 将 .sty 文件与 .tex 文件放在一起
  4. 尝试。
