大型书目和本地条目 - 宏

大型书目和本地条目 - 宏

我正在处理一个(非常)大的文档,我希望将我的书目条目定义得尽可能接近我正在处理的文本。因此,我使用“filecontents”包来定义单独的文件,并使用计数器作为后缀。使用 Latex 进行第一次操作后,我只需将条目合并到一个文件中 - 使用 MSDOS copy /b %WORKDIR%\biblio.* .\biblio.bib - 然后调用 biber 并再次执行 LaTeX。以下代码可以正常工作。





  author       = {Kastenholz, M. A. and H{\"u}nenberger, Philippe H.},
  title        = {Computation of methodology\hyphen independent ionic solvation
                  free energies from molecular simulations},
  journaltitle = jchph,
  date         = 2006,
  subtitle     = {I. The electrostatic potential in molecular liquids},
  volume       = 124,
  eid          = 124106,
  doi          = {10.1063/1.2172593},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  indextitle   = {Computation of ionic solvation free energies},
  annotation   = {An \texttt{article} entry with an \texttt{eid} and a
                  \texttt{doi} field. Note that the \textsc{doi} is transformed
                  into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been

  author       = {Sigfridsson, Emma and Ryde, Ulf},
  title        = {Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the
                  electrostatic potential and moments},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
  date         = 1998,
  volume       = 19,
  number       = 4,
  pages        = {377-395},
  doi          = {10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  indextitle   = {Methods for deriving atomic charges},
  annotation   = {An \texttt{article} entry with \texttt{volume},
                  \texttt{number}, and \texttt{doi} fields. Note that the
                  \textsc{doi} is transformed into a clickable link if
                  \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled},

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet~\supercite{kastenholz}.
    At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum~\supercite{sigfridsson}.


但是,尝试创建宏时,我的条目创建失败(创建的文件为空)。我怀疑书目条目在作为宏参数传递之前已被 LaTeX 解释,我不知道如何防止这种情况发生。因此,此代码是错误的:


  author       = {Werner Massa},
  title        = {Crystal structure determination},
  date         = 2004,
  edition      = 2,
  publisher    = {Spinger},
  location     = {Berlin},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=british},
  annotation   = {A \texttt{book} entry with an \texttt{edition} field},









  author       = {Kastenholz, M. A. and H{\"u}nenberger, Philippe H.},
  title        = {Computation of methodology\hyphen independent ionic solvation
                  free energies from molecular simulations},
  journaltitle = jchph,
  date         = 2006,
  subtitle     = {I. The electrostatic potential in molecular liquids},
  volume       = 124,
  eid          = 124106,
  doi          = {10.1063/1.2172593},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  indextitle   = {Computation of ionic solvation free energies},
  annotation   = {An \texttt{article} entry with an \texttt{eid} and a
                  \texttt{doi} field. Note that the \textsc{doi} is transformed
                  into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been

  author       = {Sigfridsson, Emma and Ryde, Ulf},
  title        = {Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the
                  electrostatic potential and moments},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
  date         = 1998,
  volume       = 19,
  number       = 4,
  pages        = {377-395},
  doi          = {10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  indextitle   = {Methods for deriving atomic charges},
  annotation   = {An \texttt{article} entry with \texttt{volume},
                  \texttt{number}, and \texttt{doi} fields. Note that the
                  \textsc{doi} is transformed into a clickable link if
                  \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled},

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet~\supercite{kastenholz}.
    At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum~\supercite{sigfridsson}.



  author       = {Kastenholz, M. A. and H{\"u}nenberger, Philippe H.},
  title        = {Computation of methodology\hyphen independent ionic solvation
                  free energies from molecular simulations},
  journaltitle = jchph,
  date         = 2006,
  subtitle     = {I. The electrostatic potential in molecular liquids},
  volume       = 124,
  eid          = 124106,
  doi          = {10.1063/1.2172593},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  indextitle   = {Computation of ionic solvation free energies},
  annotation   = {An \texttt{article} entry with an \texttt{eid} and a
                  \texttt{doi} field. Note that the \textsc{doi} is transformed
                  into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been

