我编写了许多 nclines,但只出现 2
为什么不显示从 166 行开始的 nclines?只显示 2 行。
\usepackage{setspace} % para que no afecte el interlineado a las notas de pié de página
%\usepackage{blindtext} % para usar un texto-tipo de ejmplo Lore.... sin teclear a boleo, con \blindtext
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\usepackage[x11names]{xcolor} % otra opcion sería \usepackage{xcolor}
\usepackage{mathpazo} % Fuente MathPazo
\usepackage{datetime} % paquete para configurar formato de fecha y hora
%\usepackage[ruled,vlined,lined,linesnumbered,algochapter,portugues]{algorithm2e} %Para presentar algoritmos
%\usepackage{wrapfig} % para poner imagenes rodeadas de texto
% ---------------------- PSTRICKS ---------------
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% ---- Fin Paquetes de pst-all
% ------------- CABECERAS y PIES DE PÁGINA ---------------------------
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % activamos el paquete para usar cabeceras y piés de página.
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&[mnode = r, name = sa]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$S_a=S_{inicial}$}
&[mnode = r, name = icero]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$i=0$}
&[mnode = r, name = Tini]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$T_0=r_0 \cdot f(S_a)$}\footnote{Esta elección podría tomarse como una Temperatura Fijada, y no dependiente de $S_{inicial}$}
% & [name = SA]
% \psframegray(-1.00,-1.00)(1.00,1.00)
% \cnodeblue(0,0){0.15}{Current}
% \rput[t](0,-1.25){Solución Actual}&
% \\[0.58cm] %era 1.25
[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=0.3,name = Tnueva]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$T_i = r_i \cdot T_{i-1}$}
[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=0.3,name = Tmax]
\psdiabox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.15]{$T_i > T_{final}$\footnote{Alternativamente podría verificarse si $i>i_{max}$}}
[mnode = r, name = EMSV]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.15]{\begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip\itemsep}l}
\textbullet & Eligir Mejor\\ &Solución Visitada \end{tabular}}
%%%%%%%%%%\\\textbullet & \textbf{Finalizar}
[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =imasuno]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$i = i + 1$}
[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =jcero]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$j = 0$}
[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =FIN]
\psovalbox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{FINALIZAR}
&[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =jmax]
\psdiabox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$j \leq m 0$}
&[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =GeneraN]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{Generar $N(S_a)$}
&[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =EV]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{Elegir $S_n \in N(S_a)$}
&[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =Deltaf]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$\Delta f = f(S_n)-f(S_a)$}
&[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.48,name =DeltaMayorCero]
\psdiabox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=-0.62]{\begin{tabular}{c}$\Delta f \geq 0$ \\ ó\\$\displaystyle \chi_{[0,1]} < e^{\frac{-\vert \Delta f \vert}{T_i}}$\\~ \end{tabular}}
[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =jmasuno]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$j=j+1$}
&[mnode = none, shadow=true, linearc = 0.05,framesep=-0.25,name =snsa]
\psframebox[shadow=true, framearc = 0.25,framesep=0.3]{$S_n = S_a$}
%%% Links
\psset{linewidth=3pt, linecolor=red, arrows=->, nodesep=4pt, linearc=0.25, angleB=180, shortput=nab, npos = 0.4}
{\psset{nodesepB = 0.16, nodesepA=0.18}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{sa}{icero}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{icero}{Tini}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{Tini}{Tmax}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{Tmax}{EMSV}_{No}% % HEREEEEE IS THE PROBLEMMMMMMMMMMM
%%\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{icero}{sa}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{Tmax}{jcero}_{Si}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{jcero}{jmax}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{jmax}{GeneraN}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{GeneraN}{EV}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{EV}{Deltaf}%
\ncline[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]{Deltaf}{DeltaMayorCero}%
%\footnotetext{Alternativamente puede usarse otra}
\footnotetext{Esta elección podría tomarse como una Temperatura Fijada, y no dependiente de $S_{inicial}$}
\footnotetext{Alternativamente podría verificarse si $i>i_{max}$}
;您无法连接不存在的节点!对于脚注问题,通常的方法\footnotemark … \footnotetext
实际上不起作用:脚注共享相同的(最后一个)数字。解决方案是将 psmatrix 放在表格中并使用包threeparttable
;这会使脚注出现在 psmatrix 的底部,而不是页面的底部——在我看来,无论如何这样更好。最后,我简化了代码,并注释掉了对流程图没用的包加载。
顺便说一句,是一个过时的包,应该用、或 subfigure
之一替换。此外,如果您使用,则不应加载、或 xcolor pstricks without` 选项。解决方案包括不加载 xcolor 并将 xcolor 选项作为 documentclass 的选项传递。它会将选项传递给 pstricks,后者会将其传递给 xcolor。subfig
latexsymb: you'll have conflicts. Same problem loading
with options and
, as pstricks already loads xcolor
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, x11names]{article}
\usepackage{setspace} % para que no afecte el interlineado a las notas de pié de página
%\usepackage{blindtext} % para usar un texto-tipo de ejmplo Lore. ... sin teclear a boleo, con \blindtext
\newcommand*{\upstrut}[1]{\rule{0pt}{#1}}% creates an invisible rule of height #1
\newcommand*{\negstrut}[1]{\rule[-#1]{0pt}{#1}}% creates an invisible rule of deptht #1
%\usepackage{subfigure} % para gráficos y ubicar cosas
%\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue}
\usepackage{mathpazo} % Fuente MathPazo
%\usepackage{datetime} % paquete para configurar formato de fecha y hora
%\usepackage[ruled,vlined,lined,linesnumbered,algochapter,portugues]{algorithm2e} %Para presentar algoritmos
%\usepackage{wrapfig} % para poner imagenes rodeadas de texto
% \usepackage[absolute]{textpos}
% ---------------------- PSTRICKS ---------------
\newpsobject{cnodeblue}{cnode}{fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue} %del diagrama tabu
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% ---- Fin Paquetes de pst-all
% ------------- CABECERAS y PIES DE PÁGINA ---------------------------
%\usepackage{fancyhdr} % activamos el paquete para usar cabeceras y piés de página.
%\newcommand*{\upstrut}[1]{\rule{0pt}{#1}}% creates an invisible rule of height #1 del diagrama tabu
%\newcommand*{\negstrut}[1]{\rule[-#1]{0pt}{#1}}% creates an invisible rule of deptht #1 del diagrama tabu
\newpsobject{cnodeblue}{cnode}{fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue} %del diagrama tabu
\newpsobject{cnodepink}{cnode}{fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=pink} %del diagrama tabu
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%\def\pscolhookiii{\psset[pst-node]{mcol = l}}
\begin{psmatrix}[rowsep=1.4, colsep=0.8,mnode = r]% defines the distance between two frames
&[name = sa]
&[name = icero]
& [name = Tini]
\psframebox{$T_0=r_0 · f(S_a)$\,\tnote{1}
% & [name = SA]
% \psframegray(-1.00,-1.00)(1.00,1.00)
% \cnodeblue(0,0){0.15}{Current}
% \rput[t](0,-1.25){Solución Actual}&
% \\[0.58cm] %era 1.25
[name = Tnueva]
\psframebox{$T_i = r_i · T_{i-1}$}
& [name = Tmax]
\psdiabox[framesep=0pt]{\raisebox{0pt}[0.5cm][0.3cm]{$T_i > T_\text{final}$\,\tnote{2}}
& [name = EMSV]
\psframebox[framearc = 0.15]{\begin{tabular}{c@{\hskip\itemsep}l}
\textbullet & Eligir Mejor\\ &Solución Visitada \end{tabular}}
%%%%%%%%%%\\\textbullet & \textbf{Finalizar}
[name =imasuno]
\psframebox{$i = i + 1$}
& [name =jcero]
\psframebox{$j = 0$}
& [name =FIN]
& [name =jmax]
\psdiabox{$j \leq m_0$}
& [name =GeneraN]
\psframebox{Generar $N(S_a)$}
& [name =EV]
\psframebox{Elegir $S_n ∈ N(S_a)$}
& [name =Deltaf]
\psframebox{$Δ f = f(S_n)-f(S_a)$}
& [name =DeltaMayorCero]%
\psdiabox[framesep = 0pt]{\raisebox{0pt}[0.6cm][0.8cm]{\makebox[2.8cm]{$ \begin{array}{c}Δ f \geq 0\\[-4pt] \text{ ó} \\[-4pt]
χ_{[0,1]} < \smash[t]{e^{-\frac{\vert Δ f \vert}{T_i}}}\end{array} $}}}
& [framesep=-0.25,name =jmasuno]
& [framesep=-0.25,name =snsa]
\psframebox{$S_n = S_a$}
%% Links
\psset{linewidth=3pt, linecolor=red, shadow = false, arrows=->, nodesep=4pt, linearc=0.25, angleB=180, shortput=nab}%
{\psset{nodesepB = 0.16, nodesepA=0.18}%
\ncline{Tini}{Tmax}%[nodesepA = 0.18cm,nodesepB=0.1cm]
\ncangle[angleB = -90]{snsa}{jmasuno}
\ncangle[angleA = 90, angleB= 0]{jmasuno}{jmax}
\ncangle[angleA = 180,angleB = -90]{jmax}{imasuno}\nbput[npos = 0.5]{No}%
%\footnotetext{Alternativamente puede usarse otra}
\item[1]{Esta elección podría tomarse como una Temperatura Fijada, y no dependiente de $ S_\text{inicial} $}
\item[2]{Alternativamente podría verificarse si $i>i_\text{max}$}