在 tikz 中创建的表格环境中的列宽

在 tikz 中创建的表格环境中的列宽


我想知道如何在 中创建的表格环境中通过指定列宽来将列标题包装在最后一列中tikz。任何帮助都将不胜感激。谢谢





      \clip[rounded corners=1ex]
        (0,-\dp\tablebox) rectangle (\wd\tablebox,\ht\tablebox);
      \node at (0,-\dp\tablebox) [anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt]
    \draw[tablecolor,very thick,rounded corners=1ex]
      (0,-\dp\tablebox) rectangle (\wd\tablebox,\ht\tablebox);

\begin{rndtable}{l p{4cm}  p{3cm} p{5cm}} %  
  \header{Country} &
  \header{Variable} &
  \header{Targets} &
  \header{Frequency of Setting the Target} \\
  \textbf{Afghanistan} & Currency in circulation (CiC) & Growth rate of CiC & Annual \\
  \textbf{Bangladesh} & Broad money  & M2 growth rate & Annual \\
  \textbf{Bhutan} & Exchange rate & 1BTN=1INR & Irregular \\
  \textbf{India} & Multiple indicators & No specific targets & Annual \\
  \textbf{Maldives} & Exchange rate & 12.85MVR=1USD (+/-20\%) & Irregular \\
  \textbf{Nepal} & Exchange rate & NA & NA \\
  \textbf{Pakistan} & Inflation, together with an assessment of monetary aggregates  & Projections of inflation relative to the announced target and projections of various components of monetary aggregates  & Annual \\
  \textbf{Sri Lanka} & Broad money & Consolidated Broad Money (M2b)  & Annual \\

    \multicolumn{4}{l} {\footnotesize \textcolor{red} {Source: Central banks' websites}}\\
    \multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize \textcolor{red} {Note: Targets are the latest numbers available at the time of compilation}}\\
    \multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize \textcolor{red} {BTN: Bhutanese Ngultrum; INR: Indian Rupee; MVR: Maldives Rufiyaa; USD: US Dollar}}\\








      \clip[rounded corners=1ex]
        (0,-\dp\tablebox) rectangle (\wd\tablebox,\ht\tablebox);
      \node at (0,-\dp\tablebox) [anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt]
    \draw[tablecolor,very thick,rounded corners=1ex]
      (0,-\dp\tablebox) rectangle (\wd\tablebox,\ht\tablebox);



\begin{rndtable}{l P{4cm}  P{2.8cm} P{2cm}} %  
  \header{Country} &
  \header{Variable} &
  \header{Targets} &
  \header{\parbox[t]{2cm}{Frequency \\ of Setting  \\ \strut the Target}} \\
  \textbf{Afghanistan} & Currency in circulation (CiC) & Growth rate of CiC & Annual \\
  \textbf{Bangladesh} & Broad money  & M2 growth rate & Annual \\
  \textbf{Bhutan} & Exchange rate & 1BTN=1INR & Irregular \\
  \textbf{India} & Multiple indicators & No specific targets & Annual \\
  \textbf{Maldives} & Exchange rate & 12.85MVR=1USD (+/-20\%) & Irregular \\
  \textbf{Nepal} & Exchange rate & NA & NA \\
  \textbf{Pakistan} & Inflation, together with an assessment of monetary aggregates  & Projections of inflation relative to the announced target and projections of various components of monetary aggregates  & Annual \\
  \textbf{Sri Lanka} & Broad money & Consolidated Broad Money (M2b)  & Annual \\

%    \multicolumn{4}{l} {\footnotesize \textcolor{red} {Source: Central banks' websites}}\\
%    \multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize \textcolor{red} {Note: Targets are the latest numbers available at the time of compilation}}\\
%    \multicolumn{4}{l}{\footnotesize \textcolor{red} {BTN: Bhutanese Ngultrum; INR: Indian Rupee; MVR: Maldives Rufiyaa; USD: US Dollar}}\\





