logtabu 跨越三页的问题

logtabu 跨越三页的问题

% important contact details
\textit{foo} \qquad \= foo \quad \= \texttt{\scriptsize foo} \\
\> bar \> \texttt{\scriptsize bar} \\
\textit{bar} \> bar \> \texttt{\scriptsize foo}

\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}



\definecolor{base}{cmyk}{0, .2, 1, 0}

% correct spelling and hyphenation
\setdefaultlanguage[babelshorthands=true, spelling=new]{german}

% footer
\chead{\thetitle, Seite \thepage}

% nicer paragraphs


% make \the... commands available

% title rule

% nicer-looking tables




\node at (0, .75) {\LARGE E};
\node at (-.75, 0) {\LARGE Ö};
\node at (0, 0) {\LARGE S};
\node at (.75, 0) {\LARGE W};
\node at (0, -.75) {\LARGE G};
{\scshape\Large ÖSW} \\


\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {lll}
Abk. & Bedeutung & bar \\
Abk. & Bedeutung & bar \\
1 & foo & bar \\
2 & foo & bar \\
3 & foo & bar \\
4 & foo & bar \\
5 & foo & bar \\
6 & foo & bar \\
7 & foo & bar \\
8 & foo & bar \\
9 & foo & bar \\
10 & foo & bar \\
11 & foo & bar \\
12 & foo & bar \\
13 & foo & bar \\
14 & foo & bar \\
15 & foo & bar \\
16 & foo & bar \\
18 & foo & bar \\
19 & foo & bar \\
20 & foo & bar \\
21 & foo & bar \\
22 & foo & bar \\
23 & foo & bar \\
24 & foo & bar \\
25 & foo & bar \\
26 & foo & bar \\
27 & foo & bar \\
28 & foo & bar \\
29 & foo & bar \\
30 & foo & bar \\
31 & foo & bar \\
32 & foo & bar \\
33 & foo & bar \\
34 & foo & bar \\
35 & foo & bar \\
36 & foo & bar \\
37 & foo & bar \\
38 & foo & bar \\
39 & foo & bar \\
41 & test \\
42 & foo & bar \\
43 & foo & bar \\
44 & foo & bar \\
45 & foo & bar \\
46 & foo & bar \\
47 & foo & bar \\
48 & foo & bar \\
49 & foo & bar \\
50 & foo & bar \\
51 & foo & bar \\


编译时,我收到一条错误消息,提示“未定义制表符位置”。这种情况似乎只发生在长表跨越两页以上时 - 从表末尾删除几行就可以了。这从何而来?





