修改 tufte-handout 上的标题

修改 tufte-handout 上的标题

我使用的是 tufte-handout 文档类,文档标题有 101 个字符。因此,第一页之后的页面的页眉会流到页眉的第二行。




%\geometry{showframe}% for debugging purposes -- displays the margins


% Set up the images/graphics package

\title{This is the title of the paper: An inquiry into something interesting to talk about in order to finish}
\author{John Doe}
\date{}  % if the \date{} command is left out, the current date will be used

% The following package makes prettier tables.  We're all about the bling!

% The units package provides nice, non-stacked fractions and better spacing
% for units.

% The fancyvrb package lets us customize the formatting of verbatim
% environments.  We use a slightly smaller font.

% Small sections of multiple columns

% Provides paragraphs of dummy text

% These commands are used to pretty-print LaTeX commands
\newcommand{\doccmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}}% command name -- adds     backslash automatically
\newcommand{\docopt}[1]{\ensuremath{\langle}\textrm{\textit{#1}}\ensuremath{\rangle}}% optional command argument
\newcommand{\docarg}[1]{\textrm{\textit{#1}}}% (required) command argument
\newenvironment{docspec}{\begin{quote}\noindent}{\end{quote}}% command specification environment
\newcommand{\docenv}[1]{\textsf{#1}}% environment name
\newcommand{\docpkg}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% package name
\newcommand{\doccls}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% document class name
\newcommand{\docclsopt}[1]{\texttt{#1}}% document class option name



\title[An inquiry into something interesting]{This is the title of the paper: An inquiry into something interesting to talk about in order to finish}




该类tufte保存了将在标题中显示的标题,该标题位于名为 的宏中\plaintitle。因此,更新此宏的定义后,您可以将自定义内容放置在标题中。

\title{This is the title of the paper: An inquiry into something interesting to talk about in order to finish}
\renewcommand\plaintitle{This is the title of the paper}

