

问题 1

不久前,我使用了一些来自这里的代码,这些代码完全符合我的要求。但是,我想要一个不同的表格,并且尝试了代码(我对 Latex 还很陌生)并没有产生任何令人鼓舞的结果。基本上,我想要一个像下面这样的表格(在 Excel 中生成,因为我目前无法在 Latex 中生成它):


目前我得到以下信息 - 注意注释中的数字来自旧表


我的 MWE(当它出现在文章类中时,不必担心对齐问题 - 我使用的是自定义模板,其中已经设置了所有边距等)。我还希望 Notes 列的宽度比其他列稍大一些,因为我将在其中放入更多文本。此外,您可能注意到(参见附录 ??) - 这是我第二个问题。

\caption{Description of Independent Variables}
& {\bfseries Independent Variable} & {\bfseries Code} & {\bfseries Units} &    \bfseries{Notes} \\
First-year GPA & FYGPA & Continuous & Overall first-year Grade Point Average & 5 -- 6  \\
Adjusted Matric GPA & AMGPA & Continuous & The average includes the top four subjects,  excluding Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Mathematics Paper 3 and English (First or Second Language. See Appendix~\ref{chapter:AppendixB}). & 11 -- 14 \\



\chapter{Appendix B}
\lhead{Appendix B \emph{Adjusted Matric GPA }}


See Appendix~\ref{chapter:AppendixB})

为什么 Latex 没有拿起标签?

问题 3

一旦我把所有变量都放进去,我的表格就会扩展到一页以上。我发现 longtable 包是推荐的。但是,简单地将 MWE 中的 \begin{table}...\end{table} 替换为 \begin{longtable}...\end{longtable} 会导致一大堆其他错误(例如,它不喜欢 \centering 命令,并显示 \caption -> \noalign)。在使用 longtable 包而不是 table 包时,我应该注意什么?


使用该包的解决方案ltablex,扩展longtabletabularx environment. I don't know what you want to do with athreeparttable environment (you don't really use it here), but anyway, it doesn't work with longtables. For long tables, you have to load thethreeparttablex package, and the environment isThreePartTable`。


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}

\usepackage[showframe, nomarginpar]{geometry} %


\caption{Description of Independent Variables}\\
& \thead{Independent \\ Variable} & \thead{Code} & \thead{Units} &    \thead{Notes} \\
\multicolumn{5}{r}{\itshape continued}
First-year GPA & FYGPA & Continuous & Overall first-year Grade Point Average & 5 -- 6  \\
Adjusted Matric GPA & AMGPA & Continuous & The average includes the top four subjects,  excluding Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Mathematics Paper 3 and English (First or Second Language. See Appendix~\ref{chapter:AppendixB}). & 11 -- 14 \\
First-year GPA & FYGPA & Continuous & Overall first-year Grade Point Average & 5 -- 6  \\
Adjusted Matric GPA & AMGPA & Continuous & The average includes the top four subjects,  excluding Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Mathematics Paper 3 and English (First or Second Language. See Appendix~\ref{chapter:AppendixB}). & 11 -- 14 \\
First-year GPA & FYGPA & Continuous & Overall first-year Grade Point Average & 5 -- 6  \\
First-year GPA & FYGPA & Continuous & Overall first-year Grade Point Average & 5 -- 6  \\
Adjusted Matric GPA & AMGPA & Continuous & The average includes the top four subjects, excluding Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Mathematics & 11 -- 14 \\
 &  & & Paper 3 and English (First or Second Language. See Appendix~\ref{chapter:AppendixB}). & %\\

\section{First Appendix}
\section{Second Appendix} \label{chapter:AppendixB}

