扩展 A3 页面的标题

扩展 A3 页面的标题

我正在用 A4 格式撰写论文,有时我需要使用 A3 页面来处理更大的图像。我设法在 A4 文档中创建了一个 A3 页面,并将标题扩展到右边距。但是,标题的文本对齐方式仍然设置为 A4 文档。有人知道如何将标题调整为图像大小(在 A3 图像中)吗?这是我提交前需要纠正的最后一点 =)


    \documentclass[a4paper,12pt, oneside]{book}






\usepackage{fixltx2e}  %gives \textsubscript







%Sets margins...
\usepackage[top=1.5cm, bottom=4cm, left=4cm, right=2cm]{geometry}

%Customises figure captions...




%customises header...



    \caption[Results of Burial scenario B  - maturity window]{ResultsB - Burial scenario B contemplating transient heat flow (B-transient) and rifting heat flow (B-rifting). B-transient-I is contemplating a geothermal gradient of 30$^\circ$C/km for the overburden calculation; B-transient-II is contemplating a geothermal gradient of 20$^\circ$C/km for the overburden calculation; B-transient-III is contemplating a geothermal gradient of 15$^\circ$C/km for the overburden calculation. B-rifting is contemplating a $\beta$=1.3. }
    \label{SCENARIO B}




A3 图像,标题与 A4 页面对齐
