使用 luaotfload 在 Plain TeX 中更改数学字体

使用 luaotfload 在 Plain TeX 中更改数学字体

luaotfload使用 Plain LuaTeX更改数学字体


在 Mac OS X 和 Windows7 上使用 Tex Live 2013、LuaTeXplain.fmtluaotfload.sty,(luaotfload-tool version 2.2, database version 2.204),以下 TeX 无法正确设置新的数学字体。

% this works with ConTeXt's LuaTeX-Plain perfectly, except
% that *all* text is rendered in italic, (but that is a 
% problem for another time -- still better than this).
\input luaotfload.sty
\font\lmromr   =
    {latinmodernmathregular:mode=base;script=math} at 14pt
\font\lmromi   = 
    {latinmodernmathregular:mode=base;script=math}  at 14pt
\font\lmromsr  = 
    {LatinModernMath-Regular:mode=base;script=math;ssty=0} at 12pt
\font\lmromsi  = 
    {LatinModernMath-Regular:mode=base;script=math;ssty=0} at 12pt
\font\lmromssr = 
    {LatinModernMath-Regular:mode=base;script=math;ssty=1} at 10pt
\font\lmromssi = 
    {LatinModernMath-Regular:mode=base;script=math;ssty=1} at 10pt

\textfont0 = \lmromr  
\scriptfont0 = \lmromsr
\scriptscriptfont0 = \lmromssr
\textfont1 = \lmromi
\scriptfont1 = \lmromsi
\scriptscriptfont1 = \lmromssi
\textfont2 = \lmromr
\scriptfont2 = \lmromsr
\scriptscriptfont2 = \lmromssr
\textfont3 = \lmromr
\scriptfont3 = \lmromsr
\scriptscriptfont3 = \lmromssr

\TeX's “hello world” display math:
x = {{b\pm\sqrt{b^{2} - 4ac}}\over{2ac}}
Or some inline: $0 = ax^{2} + bx + c$, or
$\sqrt{a\over b}$ 
({\tt\$\\sqrt\{a\\over b\}\$}),



主要参考:哈立德·霍斯尼。从其他搜索中获得了想法,但没有解决方案。不,我对 LaTeX 或 ConTeXt 或 XeTeX 有多简单不感兴趣 =)。



由于 Unicode 和 TeX 之间的编码差异,您需要编写(几乎)所有数学模式定义。仅为了支持您的最低要求,您需要(至少):

\def\mathfont{TeXGyreBonumMath-Regular:script=math} % just to make it more obvious
\font\math="\mathfont;+ssty=0" at 14pt
\font\maths="\mathfont;+ssty=1" at .7\fontdimen6\math
\font\mathss="\mathfont;+ssty=2" at .5\fontdimen6\math
\textfont0=\math \scriptfont0=\maths \scriptscriptfont0=\mathss

\def\sqrt{\Uradical"0"221A }

  \Umathcodenum`b="1D68B }

  x = { b\pm\sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} \over 2ac }
Or some inline: $0 = ax^2 + bx + c$, or $\sqrt{a/b}$





您可以使用微分数学用于使用纯 LuaTeX 设置 OpenType 数学字体的软件包。使用 minim-math,您只需提供字体系列 0;无需其他配置。


% Required packages
\input luaotfload.sty
\input minim-math

% Font settings (minim-math provides no defaults)
\font\tenmath   = % normal font
    {Latin Modern Math:mode=base;script=math;ssty=0;} at 10pt
\font\tenmaths  = % script font
    {Latin Modern Math:mode=base;script=math;ssty=1;} at 7pt
\font\tenmathss = % scriptscript font
    {Latin Modern Math:mode=base;script=math;ssty=2;} at 5pt
% Note: only family 0 is required with minim-math
\textfont         0 = \tenmath
\scriptfont       0 = \tenmaths
\scriptscriptfont 0 = \tenmathss

% Here continues your example
\TeX's “hello world” display math:
    x = {{b\pm\sqrt{b^{2} - 4ac}}\over{2ac}}
Or some inline: $0 = ax^{2} + bx + c$, or
$\sqrt{a\over b}$ 

