我需要在 Latex 中创建时间轴。这是我现在所拥有的
\chronoevent{0}{Jan 13 Quiz 1}
\chronoevent{8}{Jan 20 Quiz 2}
\chronoevent{36}{Feb 17 Quiz 6}
\caption{Time Line}
\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{% Resize table to fit within
%draw horizontal line
\draw (0,0) -- (41/1.7,0);
%draw vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0/1.7, 8/1.7, 15/1.7, 22/1.7, 29/1.7, 36/1.7, 41/1.7}
\draw (\x cm,3pt) -- (\x cm,-3pt);
%draw nodes
\draw (0,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 1 } node[above=3pt] { Jan 13 2014 };
\draw (8/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 2 } node[above=3pt] { Jan 20 2014 };
\draw (15/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 3 } node[above=3pt] { Jan 27 2014 };
\draw (22/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 4 } node[above=3pt] { Feb 3 2014 };
\draw (29/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 5 } node[above=3pt] { Feb 10 2014 };
\draw (36/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 6 \& Intervention} node[above=3pt] { Feb 17 2014 };
\draw (41/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Course ends} node[above=3pt] { Feb 22 2014 };
%draw vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0/1.7, 8/1.7, 15/1.7, 22/1.7, 29/1.7, 36/1.7, 41/1.7}
\draw (\x cm,3pt) -- (\x cm,-3pt);
你的 中有一些错误\foreach
%draw vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 41}{
\draw (\x/1.7,3pt) -- (\x/1.7,-3pt);
\caption{Time Line}
\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{% Resize table to fit within
%draw horizontal line
\draw (0,0) -- (41/1.7,0);
%draw vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 41}{
\draw (\x/1.7,3pt) -- (\x/1.7,-3pt);
%draw nodes
\draw (0,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 1 } node[above=3pt] { Jan 13 2014 };
\draw (8/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 2 } node[above=3pt] { Jan 20 2014 };
\draw (15/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 3 } node[above=3pt] { Jan 27 2014 };
\draw (22/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 4 } node[above=3pt] { Feb 3 2014 };
\draw (29/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 5 } node[above=3pt] { Feb 10 2014 };
\draw (36/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Quiz 6 \& Intervention} node[above=3pt] { Feb 17 2014 };
\draw (41/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] { Course ends} node[above=3pt] { Feb 22 2014 };
chronos 的当前版本可在以下位置获得:
https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/342699/ (2016年12月6日)
这是无耻的模仿Harish Kumar 的时间表chronos
start date=2014-01-13,
end date=2014-02-22,
date format={b d Y},
timeline width=150mm,
event dates split,
event distance=-3pt,
timeline margin=1pt,
\chronosevent {2014-01-13}{Quiz 1}
\chronosevent {2014-01-20}{Quiz 2}
\chronosevent {2014-01-27}{Quiz 3}
\chronosevent {2014-02-03}{Quiz 4}
\chronosevent {2014-02-10}{Quiz 5}
\chronosevent {2014-02-17}{Quiz 6\\\& Intervention}
\chronosevent {2014-02-22}{Course ends}
此版本的代码增加了跨线拆分事件的可能性(上面的日期和下面的文本或反之亦然) 并修复了如果开始和结束日期在同一年则导致无限循环的错误。
\tl_new:N \l_chronos_dateformat_tl
\tl_new:N \l_chronos_yearformat_tl
\tl_set:Nn \l_chronos_dateformat_tl { d/m/Y }
\tl_set:Nn \l_chronos_yearformat_tl { Y }
% YY yn lle YYYY
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_year_shorten:n #1
\chronos_year_shorten_aux:w #1 \q_stop % expl3 manuaal, 46
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_year_shorten_aux:w #1 #2 #3 #4 \q_stop
#3 #4
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \chronos_year_shorten:n { V , c }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \int_abs:n { c }
% dangos dyddiadau
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_show_date:n #1
\tl_map_inline:Nn \l_chronos_dateformat_tl
\str_case:nnF { ##1 }
{ a } { \pgfcalendarweekdayshortname{\thechronos@weekday} }
{ A } { \pgfcalendarweekdayname{\thechronos@weekday} }
{ b } { \pgfcalendarmonthshortname{\csname chronos@#1month\endcsname} }
{ B } { \pgfcalendarmonthname{\csname chronos@#1month\endcsname} }
{ d } { \csname chronos@#1day\endcsname }
{ E } { \chronos_dateformat_era:c { chronos@#1year } }
{ m } { \csname chronos@#1month\endcsname }
{ q } { \chronos_dateformat_sign:c { chronos@#1year } }
{ Q } { \chronos_dateformat_signs:c { chronos@#1year } }
{ y } { \chronos_year_shorten:c { chronos@#1year } }
{ Y } { \int_abs:c { chronos@#1year } }
{ @ } { ~ }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_show_year:n #1
\tl_map_inline:Nn \l_chronos_yearformat_tl
\str_case:nnF { ##1 }
{ E } { \chronos_dateformat_era:n { #1 } }
{ q } { \chronos_dateformat_sign:n { #1 } }
{ Q } { \chronos_dateformat_signs:n { #1 } }
{ y } { \chronos_year_shorten:n { #1 } }
{ Y } { \int_abs:n { #1 } }
{ @ } { ~ }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_dateformat_sign:n #1
\int_compare:nT { #1 < 0 } { - }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \chronos_dateformat_sign:n { c }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_dateformat_signs:n #1
{ #1 < 0 } { - }
\int_compare:nT { #1 > 0 }
\int_compare:nT { #1 > 1} { + }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \chronos_dateformat_signs:n { c }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_dateformat_era:n #1
{ #1 < 0 } { \chronos@yearbce }
\int_compare:nT { #1 > 0 }
\int_compare:nT { #1 > 1} { \chronos@yearce }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \chronos_dateformat_era:n { c }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_set_dateformat:n #1
\tl_set:Nn \l_chronos_dateformat_tl { #1 }
\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_chronos_dateformat_tl { ~ } { @ }
\cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \chronos_set_yearformat:n #1
\tl_set:Nn \l_chronos_yearformat_tl { #1 }
\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_chronos_yearformat_tl { ~ } { @ }
% user interface
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@setdateformat { m }
\chronos_set_dateformat:n { #1 }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@setyearformat { m }
\chronos_set_yearformat:n { #1 }
% for pgf/tikz convenience
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@showdate { o m }
\IfValueT { #1 }
\chronos_set_dateformat:n { #1 }
\pgfcalendarjuliantoweekday{\csname thechronos@#2date\endcsname}{\c@chronos@weekday}%
\chronos_show_date:n { #2 }
\NewDocumentCommand \chronos@showyear { o m }
\IfValueT { #1 }
\chronos_set_yearformat:n { #1 }
\chronos_show_year:n { #2 }
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format,
int detect,
set thousands separator={},
/handlers/.chronos too/.code={%
\pgfkeyscurrentpath @too/.code={%
/chronos/\chronos@tempd/.append style={##1},
\chronos@tempc/.forward to=\chronos@tempc @too,
chronos/.code={% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/159856/ - Claudio Fiandrino
fixed point arithmetic,
timeline config,
timeline config/.code={},
/chronos/timeline no years,
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@tempe{((width("\chronos@bce"))>(width("\chronos@ce"))) ? (width("\chronos@bce")) : (width("\chronos@ce"))}%
\addtolength\chronos@tempdima{\chronos@tempf pt}%
\draw [/chronos/timeline@line, line width=\chronos@height] (-\chronos@tempdima,0) coordinate (chronos pre) -- +(\chronos@width,0) coordinate (chronos post);
\coordinate (chronos base) at (0,-.5*\chronos@height);
\coordinate (chronos top) at (0,.5*\chronos@height);
\coordinate (chronos foot) at (0,{-.5*\chronos@height-\chronos@borderheight});
\coordinate (chronos head) at (0,{.5*\chronos@height+\chronos@borderheight});
\coordinate (chronos start) at (0,0);
\coordinate (chronos end) at ([xshift=-\chronos@tempdima]chronos post);
\fill [bottom color=chronos@borderinner, top color=chronos@borderouter] (chronos pre |- chronos head) rectangle (chronos post |- chronos top);
\fill [top color=chronos@borderinner, bottom color=chronos@borderouter] (chronos pre |- chronos base) rectangle (chronos post |- chronos foot);
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@nextstep{int(((\thechronos@startyear+\chronos@stepyears)>\thechronos@endyear) ? \thechronos@endyear : (\thechronos@startyear+\chronos@stepyears))}%
\foreach \b [evaluate=\b as \i using {((\b==0)&&(\thechronos@tempcnta==0)) ? 1 : int(\b)}, remember=\i as \ilast (initially \pi)] in {\thechronos@startyear,\chronos@nextstep,...,\thechronos@endyear} {%
\node (chronos@year@\i) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year on line] at (\chronos@tempa pt,0) {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@showyear{\i}};
\path [/chronos/timeline mark on line] (chronos@year@\i.south) -- (chronos@year@\i |- chronos base);
\path [/chronos/timeline mark on line] (chronos@year@\i.north) -- (chronos@year@\i |- chronos top);
\path (chronos pre) +(\chronos@timelinemargin,0) node (chronos@bce) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year on line] {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@bce};
\path (chronos post) +(-\chronos@timelinemargin,0) node (chronos@ce) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year on line] {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@ce};
\node (chronos@year@\i) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year off line] at (\chronos@tempa pt,0) {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@showyear{\i}};
\path [shorten <=.5*\chronos@height, /chronos/timeline mark off line] (\chronos@tempa pt, 0) -- (chronos@year@\i);
\path (chronos pre) +(\chronos@timelinemargin,0) node (chronos@bce) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year off line] {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@bce};
\path (chronos post) +(-\chronos@timelinemargin,0) node (chronos@ce) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year off line] {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@ce};
\path (chronos pre) +(\chronos@timelinemargin,0) node (chronos@bce) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year off line] {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@bce};
\path (chronos post) +(-\chronos@timelinemargin,0) node (chronos@ce) [/chronos/.cd, timeline@years, timeline year off line] {\chronos@timelinefont\chronos@ce};
/chronos/timeline years=on line,
chronos set date/.code args={#1:#2:#3:#4}{%
\expandafter\def\csname chronos@#4year\endcsname{#1}%
\expandafter\def\csname chronos@#4month\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\def\csname chronos@#4day\endcsname{#3}%
chronos date/.style args={#1-#2-#3}{%
/tikz/chronos set date/.expanded={#1:#2:#3:thing}%
chronos period date/.style args={#1-#2-#3}{%
/tikz/chronos set date/.expanded={#1:#2:#3:otherthing}%
/chronos/.search also={/tikz},
timeline config/.code={},
date format/.code={%
year format/.code={%
step years/.store in=\chronos@stepyears,
step from year/.store in=\chronos@stepfrom,
start date/.style args={#1-#2-#3}{%
/chronos/timeline config/.append code={%
\tikzset{/tikz/chronos set date/.expanded={#1:#2:#3:start}}%
end date/.style args={#1-#2-#3}{%
/chronos/timeline config/.append code={%
\tikzset{/tikz/chronos set date/.expanded={#1:#2:#3:end}}%
ce year label/.store in=\chronos@yearce,
bce year label/.store in=\chronos@yearbce,
timeline ce label/.store in=\chronos@ce,
timeline bce label/.store in=\chronos@bce,
timeline width/.store in=\chronos@width,
timeline height/.store in=\chronos@height,
width/.forward to=/chronos/timeline width,
height/.forward to=/chronos/timeline height,
timeline border height/.store in=\chronos@borderheight,
timeline border inner colour/.code={\colorlet{chronos@borderinner}{#1}},
timeline border outer colour/.code={\colorlet{chronos@borderouter}{#1}},
timeline mark eras/.is if=chronos@markeras,
timeline margin/.store in=\chronos@timelinemargin,
timeline font/.store in=\chronos@timelinefont,
timeline years set/.store in=\chronos@timelineyears,
timeline years/.is choice,
timeline years/.forward to=/chronos/timeline years set,
timeline years/above/.code={%
/chronos/timeline@years/.style={above, anchor=south, yshift=.5*\chronos@height},
timeline years/below/.code={%
/chronos/timeline@years/.style={below, anchor=north, yshift=-.5*\chronos@height},
timeline years/on line/.code={%
only years/.code={%
/tikz/chronos date/.style={%
/tikz/chronos set date/.expanded={##1:01:01:thing}%
/tikz/chronos period date/.style={%
/tikz/chronos set date/.expanded={##1:01:01:otherthing}%
only text/.code={%
\tikzset{/chronos/only years}%
year zero/.is if=chronos@yearzero,
timeline marks/.is if=chronos@marks,
timeline show years/.is if=chronos@timeline@showyears,
timeline no years/.code={%
/chronos/timeline show years=false,
lines/.style={draw, {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-{Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}, shorten <={.5*\chronos@height}},
events/.style={fill=chronos@background, fill opacity=.75, text opacity=1, draw opacity=1, rounded corners, align=center, font=\footnotesize},
period event line/.style={/chronos/lines},
period event/.style={/chronos/events},
event line/.style={/chronos/lines},
event years on line/.is if=chronos@eventyearsonline,
event year on line/.style={/chronos/timeline@years, /chronos/timeline year on line},
event dates split/.is if=chronos@eventdatessplit,
event date split/.style={/chronos/event},
event distance/.store in=\chronos@eventdistance,
special date/.store in=\chronos@specialdate,
timeline line/.chronos too=timeline@line,
timeline year off line/.style={fill=chronos@background, text opacity=1, align=center, fill opacity=.75},
timeline mark off line/.style={draw, {Triangle[width=0pt 3,reversed,length=0pt 1.5]}-, thin, shorten >=-2pt},
timeline year on line/.style={text=chronos@background, inner sep=1pt, align=center},
timeline mark on line/.style={draw=chronos@background, shorten >=1.5pt},
timeline mark too/.code={%
timeline mark on line/.append style={#1},
timeline mark off line/.append style={#1},
timeline year too/.code={%
timeline year on line/.append style={#1},
timeline year off line/.append style={#1},
timeline mark/.forward to=/chronos/timeline mark too,
timeline year/.forward to=/chronos/timeline year too,
start date=1001-10-01,
end date=1003-06-14,
timeline width=100mm,
timeline height=1pt,
timeline border height=0pt,
chronos date=1850-01-01,
chronos period date=1851-01-01,
step years=1,
timeline years=above,
timeline border inner colour=black,
timeline border outer colour=chronos@background,
step from year=none,
special date=none,
ce year label={\textsc{ce}},
bce year label={\textsc{bce}},
event distance=-10pt,
timeline ce label={CE},
timeline bce label={BCE},
timeline margin=10pt,
timeline font=\sffamily,
\NewDocumentCommand \chronosevent { O {} m O {} +m D () { \chronos@eventdistance } }
chronos date/.expanded={#2},
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@offset{(#5 < 0pt) ? (#5-.5*\[email protected]*\chronos@borderheight) : (#5+.5*\chronos@height+.5*\chronos@borderheight)}%
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@anchor{(#5 < 0pt) ? "north" : "south"}%
\scoped[on background layer]{%
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@invanchor{(#5 < 0pt) ? "south" : "north"}%
\path [postaction={/chronos/event line, #1}] ({(\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0) -- +(0,-\chronos@offset pt) node [anchor=\chronos@invanchor, /chronos/event date split, #3] {\chronos@showdate{thing}};
\path [postaction={/chronos/event line, #1}] ({(\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0) -- +(0,\chronos@offset pt) node [anchor=\chronos@anchor, /chronos/event, #3] {#4};
\path [postaction={/chronos/event line, #1}] ({(\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0) -- +(0,\chronos@offset pt) node [anchor=\chronos@anchor, /chronos/event, #3] {\ifchronos@onlytext\relax\else\chronos@showdate{thing}\\\fi#4};
\ifx\tempa\tempb\else\let\chronos@thingyear\chronos@specialdate\tikzset{/chronos/special date=none}\fi
\node [/chronos/.cd, event year on line] at ({(\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0) {\chronos@thingyear};
\NewDocumentCommand \chronosspecialdate { m }
/chronos/special date=#1,
\NewDocumentCommand \chronosperiod { O {} m O {} m O {} +m D () { \chronos@eventdistance } }
chronos date/.expanded={#2}, chronos period date/.expanded={#4}
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@offset{(#7 < 0pt) ? (#7-.5*\[email protected]*\chronos@borderheight) : (#7+.5*\chronos@height+.5*\chronos@borderheight)}%
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@anchor{(#7 < 0pt) ? "north" : "south"}%
\pgfmathsetmacro\chronos@borderoffset{(#7 < 0pt) ? (-.5*\[email protected]*\chronos@borderheight) : (.5*\chronos@height+.5*\chronos@borderheight)}%
\path [postaction={line width=\chronos@borderheight, /chronos/period, blend mode=overlay, #1}] ({(\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},\chronos@borderoffset pt) -- ({(\thechronos@otherthingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},\chronos@borderoffset pt);
\path [postaction={line width=\chronos@height, /chronos/period, #1}] ({(\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0) -- ({(\thechronos@otherthingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0);
\scoped[on background layer]{\path [postaction={/chronos/period event line, #3}] ({(.5*\thechronos@otherthingdate+.5*\thechronos@thingdate-\thechronos@startdate)*\chronos@unit pt},0) -- +(0,\chronos@offset pt) node [anchor=\chronos@anchor, /chronos/period event, #5] {\ifchronos@onlytext\relax\else\chronos@showdate{thing}--\chronos@showdate{otherthing}\\\fi#6};}
start date=2014-01-13,
end date=2014-02-22,
date format={b d Y},
timeline width=150mm,
event dates split,
event distance=-3pt,
timeline margin=0pt,
\chronosevent {2014-01-13}{Quiz 1}
\chronosevent {2014-01-20}{Quiz 2}
\chronosevent {2014-01-27}{Quiz 3}
\chronosevent {2014-02-03}{Quiz 4}
\chronosevent {2014-02-10}{Quiz 5}
\chronosevent {2014-02-17}{Quiz 6\\\& Intervention}
\chronosevent {2014-02-22}{Course ends}