我该如何使用 TikZ 制作此图表?我也想使用贝塞尔曲线代替直线。
%\usepackage{god3} % Hoped to have a LaTeX3 solution, didn't work
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={align=center,circle,draw,minimum size=2cm}]
\node (f) at (3,5) {Marlon\\Brando};
\node (s) at (0,0) {Al\\Pacino};
\node (p) at (6,0) {Vodka};
\node (g) at ($(s)!0.5!(p)!0.3333!(f)$) {Morgan\\Freeman};
\foreach \x[remember=\x as \xi (initially f),count=\xc from 1] in {s,p,f}{
\draw (g) -- (\x) node[midway,draw=none,minimum size=1mm,fill=white] {IS};
\draw (\x) to[out={\xc*135},in={(\xc*120}] node[midway,draw=none,minimum size=1mm,fill=white] {IS\\NOT}(\xi);
\def\Box#1{\parbox[b]{15mm}{\centering #1}}
& [name=b] \Box{The\\Boss} \\
& [name=g] \Box{Ghost}\\
[name=t] \Box{The\\TikZ} & & [name=h] \Box{The\\Holy\\PSTricks}
\ncarc[arcangle=45]{<-}{t}{b}\naput[nrot=:U]{does not like}
\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners]
\graph [simple necklace layout,
edge quotes mid,
edges={nodes={font=\scriptsize, fill=white, sloped, inner sep=1pt}}]
Father[nail at={(0,3)}] <->["is", blue, text=black] God[nail at={(0,0)}];
Son[nail at={(-3,-2)}] <->["is", blue, text=black] God;
Holy Ghost[nail at={(3,-2)}] <->["is", blue, text=black] God;
Father <->["is not", red, text=black] Son <->["is not", red, text=black] Holy Ghost <->["is not", red, text=black] Father;
Father -> ["paternity", bend right=22.5, green, text=black] Son;
Son -> ["filiation", bend left=45, green, text=black] Father;
Father -> ["active spiration", bend left=22.5, green, text=black] Holy Ghost;
Holy Ghost -> ["passive spiration", bend right=45, green, text=black] Father;
Holy Ghost -> ["passive spiration", bend left=45, green, text=black] Son;
Holy Ghost <- ["active spiration", bend left=22.5, green, text=black] Son;