。我想绘制从焦点到 的相同路径上的线,但我只想要从近轴光线(0, \y cm)
开始并向外移动的线段。(0, \y cm)
\draw[yshift = -2cm, xshift = -\xshi cm] (0, \lH cm)
arc[start angle = -\sA, delta angle = 2*\sA, radius = \lR cm] --
+(\base cm, 0)
arc[start angle = 180 - \sA, delta angle = 2*\sA, radius = \lR cm]
-- cycle;
\begin{scope}[decoration = {
mark = at position 0.1 with {\arrow{stealth}},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{stealth}}
\foreach \y in {0.5, 0.25, 0, -0.25, -0.5}{
\draw[postaction = decorate] (-1.5cm, \y cm) -- (0, \y cm) %extend lines along the path command here;
\fill[fill = black] (-1cm, 0) circle[radius = 0.015cm] node[below,
font = \tiny] {$F$};
\draw[yshift = -2cm, xshift = -\xshi cm,name path=lens] (0, \lH cm)
arc[start angle = -\sA, delta angle = 2*\sA, radius = \lR cm] --
+(\base cm, 0)
arc[start angle = 180 - \sA, delta angle = 2*\sA, radius = \lR cm]
-- cycle;
\fill[fill = black] (-1cm, 0) coordinate (F) circle[radius = 0.015cm] node[below,
font = \tiny] {$F$};
\begin{scope}[decoration = {
mark = at position 0.1 with {\arrow{stealth}},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{stealth}}
\foreach \y in {0.5, 0.25, 0, -0.25, -0.5}{
\draw[postaction = decorate] (-1.5cm, \y cm) -- (0, \y cm)
coordinate (A)
-- ($(F)!3!(A)$) ;
%extend lines along the path command here;
%%%% ---- Use path several times
%%%% ---- thanks to Andrew Stacey
use path for main/.code={%
\expandafter\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname
use path for actions/.code={%
\expandafter\def\expandafter\tikz@preactions\expandafter{\tikz@preactions\expandafter\let\expandafter\tikz@actions@path\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname}%
use path/.style={%
use path for main=#1,
use path for actions=#1,
% #1 premier path ---- Intersection ----
% #2 second path
% #3 nom des points
\path[name intersections={of=#1 and #2, by=#3, sort by=#1,total=\t}]
\pgfextra{\xdef\InterNb{\t}}; }
\draw[yshift = -2cm, xshift = -\xshi cm,name path=lens] (0, \lH cm)
arc[start angle = -\sA, delta angle = 2*\sA, radius = \lR cm] --
+(\base cm, 0)
arc[start angle = 180 - \sA, delta angle = 2*\sA, radius = \lR cm]
-- cycle;
\fill[fill = black] (-1cm, 0) coordinate (F) circle[radius = 0.015cm] node[below,
font = \tiny] {$F$};
\begin{scope}[decoration = {
mark = at position 0.1 with {\arrow{stealth}},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{stealth}}
% \foreach \y in {0.5, 0.25, 0, -0.25, -0.5}{
% \draw[postaction = decorate] (-1.5cm, \y cm) -- (0, \y cm)
% coordinate (A)
% -- ($(F)!3!(A)$) ;
%extend lines along the path command here;
\foreach \y in {0.5, 0.25, 0, -0.25, -0.5}{
\path[name path=ray] (-1.5cm, \y cm) -- (0, \y cm) ;
\draw[postaction = decorate] (-1.5cm, \y cm) -- (A) -- ($(F)!3!(A)$) ;