

我尝试使用 biblatex 在同一文档中为两个不同的参考书目设置两种不同的样式。我使用关键字 procedure two 创建这两个参考书目,并找到了一种使用命令定义新 bibenvironement 的方法\defbibenvironment,然后使用命令\printbibliography[env=newenvrionment, keyword=blabla]







我对使用 biblatex 还很陌生,我不明白如何使用来做这样的事情\defbibenvironment

否则,如果有另一种解决方案可用,这里是一个可编译的 MWE:


\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, right=2cm, left=2cm, headheight = 20pt]{geometry}


%citer le titre du journal pour les citations 




% Put editor string in parentheses

% Obtenir le nom de l'éditeur pour les @incollection entre le 'in' et le titre

% mettre entre parenthèses le numéro de la revue dans un volume en comportant plusieurs 


        \setunit{\addspace} % space delimiter
        \setunit{\addspace} % space delimiter

\defbibenvironment{nolabelbib}%this is the bib envirionment I found in the other topic 


  author = {Author, A.},
  date = {2011-06-12},
  title = {Some relevant article},
  journal = {Test journal},
  keywords = {primaires_articles},

     title = {The Political Economy of Malawi - An Overview},
     chapter = {1},
     author = {Guy Mhone},
     year = {1992},
     booktitle = {Malawi At The Crossroads. The Post-Colonial Political Economy},
     publisher = {\textsc{SAPES} Books},
     address = {Harare},
     pages = {1--34},
     keywords = {malawi_histoire},

author = {Momba, Jotham C.},
title = {Peasant differentiation and rural party politics in colonial Zambia},
journal = {Journal of Southern African Studies},
volume = {11},
number = {2},
pages = {281-294},
year = {1985},
keywords = {malawi_histoire},




Some text~\citejournal{test}.\\

Some other\cite{momba_peasant_1985}\\

and other\cite{mhone_crossroads_1992}

\printbibliography[keyword=malawi_histoire,heading=subbibliography,title={Malawi: histoire sociale}]

\printbibliography[env=nolabelbib, keyword=primaires_articles,heading=subbibliography,title={Artiles de presse et revues}]




正如我在评论中写道的,不可能使用 abibenvironment来达到你的目的,因为bibenvironments是为了格式化参考书目列表

此外,据我所知,biblatex 并没有提供混合不同参考书目风格的实施解决方案,所以您必须自己尝试找到一种方法来实现您的目标。


  1. 选择默认的书目样式(authoryear适合您的情况)
  2. 创建与默认书目样式不同的驱动程序和宏(在您的情况下为 bibdriver forarticle和-macro)author
  3. 创建并实现一个切换按钮,您可以使用它在默认书目样式和新的宏之间切换。

该解决方案(经过改编)也适用于 2 种以上的书目样式。

然而,弱点在于,您必须注意与默认参考书目样式之间的每一个差异 - 如果您想更改默认参考书目样式,您必须重新开始......

这是您更新并评论的 MWE。我删除了很多不必要的(对于我们的问题而言)宏/包。它应该向您展示了我的解决方案的想法。

除了 MWE,您还可以修改新的宏并sorting\printbibliography命令等中设置选项。


\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, right=2cm, left=2cm, headheight = 20pt]{geometry}



  author = {Author, A.},
  date = {2011-06-12},
  title = {Some relevant article},
  journal = {Test journal},
  keywords = {primaires_articles},

     title = {The Political Economy of Malawi - An Overview},
     chapter = {1},
     author = {Guy Mhone},
     year = {1992},
     booktitle = {Malawi At The Crossroads. The Post-Colonial Political Economy},
     publisher = {\textsc{SAPES} Books},
     address = {Harare},
     pages = {1--34},
     keywords = {malawi_histoire},

author = {Momba, Jotham C.},
title = {Peasant differentiation and rural party politics in colonial Zambia},
journal = {Journal of Southern African Studies},
volume = {11},
number = {2},
pages = {281-294},
year = {1985},
keywords = {malawi_histoire},


%new toggle
\newtoggle{blx@bibdriver@article:journalyear}%new toggle to set which driver is to use

% Put editor string in parentheses

% Obtenir le nom de l'éditeur pour les @incollection entre le 'in' et le titre

% mettre entre parenthèses le numéro de la revue dans un volume en comportant plusieurs 

%redefine author-macro so it only prints the year in the default bibdriver
\renewbibmacro*{author}{%also modified
    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}

%new bibdriver for article in the second bibliography
\newbibmacro*{article:journalyear}{%modified bibdriver for article

%redeclare the existing bibdriver for article
\DeclareBibliographyDriver{article}{%from standard.bbx




\printbibliography[keyword=malawi_histoire,heading=subbibliography,title={Malawi: histoire sociale}]


\printbibliography[keyword=primaires_articles,heading=subbibliography,title={Artiles de presse et revues}]

\printbibliography[type=article,heading=subbibliography,title={All articles}]



