我绘制了一个有 2 列 5 行的表格。但是由于第二行、第二列的内容很长,,,表格只显示了一半,其他部分没有显示。请帮帮我......我试了很多次,但找不到解决办法。
\caption {Methods Of Validation }
\begin{tabular}{| l | l | }
Validation Example & Explanation \\ \hline
Unit Testing & The testing of a single program\\ \hline
Integration Testing & The testing of related Program or units of code. Validates that multiple parts of the system interact according to the system design. \\ \hline
System Testing & The testing of an entire system \\ \hline
Acceptance Testing & The testing the mobile app to make sure it Works as what the system requirements indicate \\ \hline
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\caption {Methods Of Validation }
Validation Example & Explanation \\
Unit Testing & The testing of a single program\\
Integration Testing & The testing of related Program or units of code. Validates that multiple parts of the system interact according to the system design. \\
System Testing & The testing of an entire system \\
Acceptance Testing & The testing the mobile app to make sure it Works as what the system requirements indicate \\
\caption {Methods Of Validation }
Validation Example & Explanation \\
Unit Testing & The testing of a single program\\
Integration Testing & The testing of related Program or units of code. Validates that multiple parts of the system interact according to the system design. \\
System Testing & The testing of an entire system \\
Acceptance Testing & The testing the mobile app to make sure it Works as what the system requirements indicate \\