lyx - 丢失目录

lyx - 丢失目录

数周以来一切都进展顺利,但在尝试更改标题中的字体样式时,我丢失了目录:例如,它没有显示在 pdf 中。

**** 以下是我的序言:

% This preamble is designed to ensure that the User's Guide prints
% out as advertised. If you mess with this preamble,
% parts of the User's Guide may not print out as expected.  If you
% have problems LaTeXing this file, please contact 
% the documentation team
% email: [email protected]

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle
\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used

 % set fonts for nicer pdf view

\fi % end if pdflatex is used

% for correct jump positions whe clicking on a link to a float

% the pages of the TOC is numbered roman
% and a pdf-bookmark for the TOC is added
  \mainmatter }

% define a short command for \textvisiblespace

% macro for italic page numbers in the index

% for customized page headers/footers
% only needed because they are only used in one section of the document
% change header rule width
% workaround for a makeindex bug,
% see sec. "Index Entry Order"
% only uncomment this when you are using makindex

**** 以下是 lyx 代码:

dedicated to:Laurie, love of my life--- LloydJackie, my best half--- Jesseand to:the Open Source giantswho have given usLinux, Erlang, Nitrogen and so much else--- LRP & JG


\chapter*{Authors' Note}

**** 哦,我在哪里可以再次找到它?


