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\begin{longtable}{p{0.05\textwidth}@{} p{0.25\textwidth} @{} p{0.7\textwidth} }
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\glossrow{Here is my new term}} & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{p{0.94\textwidth}}{This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term.} \\ \addlinespace
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\glossrow{Here is my new term}} & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{p{0.94\textwidth}}{This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term.} \\ \addlinespace
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\glossrow{Here is my new term}} & \\
& \multicolumn{2}{p{0.94\textwidth}}{This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term.} \\ \addlinespace
吗?也许我还是回到使用 会更容易glossaries
\item[Here is my new term]
This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term.
\item[Here is my new term]
This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term.
\item[Here is my new term]
This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term. This is the definition of my new term.
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