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\fancypagestyle{plain}{\fancyhf{}\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage}\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}} % Redefine plain style, it is used for pages with new chapters
author = {Donald E. Knuth},
title = {The {{\TeX}book}},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
date = {1984}
author = {Hans Mustermann},
title = {Just some random title},
number = {ABCD-E/2008/de/1234},
institution = {ACME Inc.},
year = {2008}
author = {Jon Smith},
title = {Another random title},
number = {ABCD-E/2007/en/1234},
institution = {University of Nowhere},
year = {2007}
author = {Peter Adams},
title = {The title of the work},
journal = {The name of the journal},
year = 1993,
number = 2,
pages = {201-213},
month = 7,
note = {An optional note},
volume = 4
author = {Peter Babington},
title = {The title of the work},
publisher = {The name of the publisher},
year = 1993,
volume = 4,
series = 10,
address = {The address},
edition = 3,
month = 7,
note = {An optional note},
isbn = {3257227892}
title = {The title of the work},
author = {Peter Caxton},
howpublished = {How it was published},
address = {The address of the publisher},
month = 7,
year = 1993,
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Draper},
title = {The title of the work},
booktitle = {The title of the book},
year = 1993,
editor = {The editor},
volume = 4,
series = 5,
pages = 213,
address = {The address of the publisher},
month = 7,
organization = {The organization},
publisher = {The publisher},
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Eston},
title = {The title of the work},
chapter = 8,
pages = {201-213},
publisher = {The name of the publisher},
year = 1993,
volume = 4,
series = 5,
address = {The address of the publisher},
edition = 3,
month = 7,
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Farindon},
title = {The title of the work},
booktitle = {The title of the book},
publisher = {The name of the publisher},
year = 1993,
editor = {The editor},
volume = 4,
series = 5,
chapter = 8,
pages = {201-213},
address = {The address of the publisher},
edition = 3,
month = 7,
note = {An optional note}
title = {The title of the work},
author = {Peter Gainsford},
organization = {The organization},
address = {The address of the publisher},
edition = 3,
month = 7,
year = 1993,
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Harwood},
title = {The title of the work},
school = {The school where the thesis was written},
year = 1993,
address = {The address of the publisher},
month = 7,
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Isley},
title = {The title of the work},
howpublished = {How it was published},
month = 7,
year = 1993,
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Joslin},
title = {The title of the work},
school = {The school where the thesis was written},
year = 1993,
address = {The address of the publisher},
month = 7,
note = {An optional note}
title = {The title of the work},
year = 1993,
editor = {Peter Kidwelly},
volume = 4,
series = 5,
address = {The address of the publisher},
month = 7,
organization = {The organization},
publisher = {The name of the publisher},
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Lambert},
title = {The title of the work},
institution = {The institution that published},
year = 1993,
number = 2,
address = {The address of the publisher},
month = 7,
note = {An optional note}
author = {Peter Marcheford},
title = {The title of the work},
note = {An optional note},
month = 7,
year = 1993
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