

我正在尝试使用我找到的 LaTeX 模板写一份作业。但是,我想更改模板,以便每次\chapter使用命令时标题旁边的文本都是“Section”而不是“Chapter”,因为我认为作业不够大,不能将其命名为“Chapters”。如果您能帮助我做到这一点,我将不胜感激。

如果您需要我的代码,可以在下面找到它。但是,它很长。除了缩进 4 个空格之外,我不知道如何格式化代码,这对于这么大的代码量来说相当累人。

%\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag} % Old habits die hard

% Stock and paper layout

\checkandfixthelayout                 % Check if errors!
\sideparmargin{outer}                 % Put sidemargins in outer position (why the fuck is this option not default by the class?)

% Large environments

\usepackage{listings}                 % Source code printer 
% Symbols
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb, latexsym} % AMS and other symbols

% Graphics and colors
\usepackage{graphicx}                 % Including graphics and using colours
\usepackage{xcolor}                   % Defined more color names
\usepackage{eso-pic}                  % Watermark and other bag

% Floating objets, captions and references
\usepackage[noabbrev,nameinlink,capitalise]{cleveref} % Clever references. Options: "fig. !1!" --> "!Figure 1!"
\letcountercounter{figure}{table}     % Consecutive table and figure numbering

% Table of contents (TOC)
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}              % Depth of table of content
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}           % Depth of section numbering

% Todos
\usepackage{totcount}                 % For total counting of counters
\usepackage[colorinlistoftodos]{todonotes} % Todonotes package for nice todos
                                           % (disable by option [disable])
\newtotcounter{todocounter}           % Creates counter in todo
\newcommand*{\mylistoftodos}{% Only show list if there are todos

% Prefrontmatter

% Chapterstyle



        \vphantom{\printchaptername\chapternamenum\chapnumfont 1}

    % egen ændring


    \renewcommand*{\printchaptertitle}[1]{\raggedleft \chaptitlefont ##1}
    \renewcommand*{\afterchaptertitle}{\vskip0.5\onelineskip \hrule \vskip1.3\onelineskip}


% Header and footer
\copypagestyle{cleared}{myruled}      % When \cleardoublepage, use myruled instead of empty
\makeevenhead{cleared}{\hffont\thepage}{}{} % Remove leftmark on cleared pages

\makeevenfoot{plain}{}{}{}            % No page number on plain even pages (chapter begin)
\makeoddfoot{plain}{}{}{}             % No page number on plain odd pages (chapter begin)










\chapter{And now I am a section}%

\section{I am a true section, but without "Section" }


