

我想这样做的原因是,美国法律学术蓝皮书风格要求这样做。但我还没能找到如何做到这一点。我已经接近理想的水平了蓝皮书结果偏离威尔·哈迪的 澳大利亚法律引证指南 2 或 AGLC2



作者,文章标题. 4 Harv. L. Rev 93, 98[此为页码](年份)




  • 威尔·哈迪的 ALC2(aglc2.bbx 和 aglc2.cbx)
  • biblatex.cfg 看起来像这样(我认为它与我的问题相关)。







以下是 MWE:




\usepackage[backend=biber, sortlocale=auto, style=aglc2, citestyle=aglc2]{biblatex}




This paper is an example of how footnotes should work in \emph{Bluebook}, the 
style of citation used in American legal academia. We call authors such as Friedman, 
who we think is awesome.\footcite[578]{friedman1} And we think he is awesome  again.\footcite[578]{friedman1}

And we cite him again.\footcite[578]{friedman1} But then we move on and cite some 
other guy for ``a new jurisprudence of judicial restraint.''\footcite{balkin}

Some other guy gets cited \footcite{kurland} and then we cite Friedman again
but with another article.\footcite{friedman2} But then we cite a book.\footcite[22]{parker}

And we cite Kurland again\footcite{kurland}



抱歉,我之前没有包括 america2.bib:

    title = {Dialogue and Judicial Review},
    volume = {91},
    issn = {00262234},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.2307/1289700},
    pages = {577},
    number = {4},
    journaltitle = {Michigan Law Review},
    author = {Friedman, Barry},
    urldate = {2014-06-03},
    date = {1993-02},
    file = {}

    title = {Here, the People Rule: A Constitutional Populist Manifesto},
    volume = {},
    url = {},
    shorttitle = {Here, the People Rule},
    pages = {},
    journaltitle = {},
    shortjournal = {},
    author = {Parker, Richard D.},
    date = {1992},
    file = {}

    title = {Importance of Being Positive: The Nature and Function of Judicial Review, The},
    volume = {72},
    url = {},
    shorttitle = {Importance of Being Positive},
    pages = {1257},
    journaltitle = {University of Cincinnati Law Review},
    shortjournal = {U. Cin. L. Rev.},
    author = {Friedman, Barry},
    date = {2003},
    file = {}

    title = {The Supreme Court, 1963 Term},
    volume = {78},
    issn = {{0017811X}},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.2307/1338853},
    pages = {143},
    number = {1},
    journaltitle = {Harvard Law Review},
    author = {Kurland, Philip B.},
    urldate = {2014-06-03},
    date = {1964-11},
    file = {}

    title = {Understanding the Constitutional Revolution},
    volume = {87},
    url = {},
    pages = {1045},
    journaltitle = {Virginia Law Review},
    shortjournal = {Va. L. Rev.},
    author = {Balkin, Jack M. and Levinson, Sanford},
    date = {2001},
    file = {}



我还要提一下 此主题,您可能知道,这与在 bib(la)tex 样式文件中翻译蓝皮书规范有关。



\usepackage[backend=biber, sortlocale=auto, style=aglc2, citestyle=aglc2]{biblatex}




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\ifnameundef{translator}{}{\printnames{translator} trans\addcomma\addspace}%
\iffieldundef{note}{}{first published \printfield{note}\addcomma\addspace}%





This paper is an example of how footnotes should work in \emph{Bluebook}, the
style of citation used in American legal academia. We call authors such as Friedman,
who we think is awesome.\footcite[578]{friedman1} And we think he is awesome again.\footcite[578]{friedman1}

And we cite him again.\footcite[578]{friedman1} But then we move on and cite some
other guy for ``a new jurisprudence of judicial restraint.''\footcite{balkin}

Some other guy gets cited \footcite{kurland} and then we cite Friedman again
but with another article.\footcite{friedman2} But then we cite a book.\footcite[22]{parker}

And we cite Kurland again\footcite{kurland}, and Parker again. \footcite[22]{parker}



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