在 pgf 手册中,可以使用 jet-colormap 色轮阴影获得一个圆圈,其内容如下:
\tikz \shade[shading=color wheel] (0,0) circle (1.5);
不确定这是否严格回答了问题,但展示了 2、3、4 和 5 色轮的原理。以这种方式扩展到任意数量的颜色有点麻烦,因此可以使用一些(相当曲折的)LaTeX 宏魔法PGF
2 copy
abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge
{ atan }
{ pop }
360 2 div div dup floor dup 3 1 roll neg add dup neg 1 add exch
2 copy 2 copy 7 -1 roll
0 eq
\firstred mul exch \secondred mul add
5 1 roll
\firstgreen mul exch \secondgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\firstblue mul exch \secondblue mul add
\secondred mul exch \firstred mul add
5 1 roll
\secondgreen mul exch \firstgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\secondblue mul exch \firstblue mul add
2 copy
abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge
{ atan }
{ pop }
360 3 div div dup floor dup 3 1 roll neg add dup neg 1 add exch
2 copy 2 copy 7 -1 roll
0 eq
\firstred mul exch \thirdred mul add
5 1 roll
\firstgreen mul exch \thirdgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\firstblue mul exch \thirdblue mul add
1 eq
\secondred mul exch \firstred mul add
5 1 roll
\secondgreen mul exch \firstgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\secondblue mul exch \firstblue mul add
\thirdred mul exch \secondred mul add
5 1 roll
\thirdgreen mul exch \secondgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\thirdblue mul exch \secondblue mul add
2 copy
abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge
{ atan }
{ pop }
360 4 div div dup floor dup 3 1 roll neg add dup neg 1 add exch
2 copy 2 copy 7 -1 roll
0 eq
pop pop
\firstred mul exch \fourthred mul add
5 1 roll
\firstgreen mul exch \fourthgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\firstblue mul exch \fourthblue mul add
1 eq
\secondred mul exch \firstred mul add
5 1 roll
\secondgreen mul exch \firstgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\secondblue mul exch \firstblue mul add
2 eq
\thirdred mul exch \secondred mul add
5 1 roll
\thirdgreen mul exch \secondgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\thirdblue mul exch \secondblue mul add
\fourthred mul exch \thirdred mul add
5 1 roll
\fourthgreen mul exch \thirdgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\fourthblue mul exch \thirdblue mul add
} ifelse
2 copy
abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge
{ atan }
{ pop }
360 5 div div dup floor dup 3 1 roll neg add dup neg 1 add exch
2 copy 2 copy 7 -1 roll
0 eq
pop pop pop
\firstred mul exch \fifthred mul add
5 1 roll
\firstgreen mul exch \fifthgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\firstblue mul exch \fifthblue mul add
1 eq
pop pop
\secondred mul exch \firstred mul add
5 1 roll
\secondgreen mul exch \firstgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\secondblue mul exch \firstblue mul add
2 eq
\thirdred mul exch \secondred mul add
5 1 roll
\thirdgreen mul exch \secondgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\thirdblue mul exch \secondblue mul add
3 eq
\fourthred mul exch \thirdred mul add
5 1 roll
\fourthgreen mul exch \thirdgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\fourthblue mul exch \thirdblue mul add
\fifthred mul exch \fourthred mul add
5 1 roll
\fifthgreen mul exch \fourthgreen mul add
3 1 roll
\fifthblue mul exch \fourthblue mul add
\begin{tikzpicture}[even odd rule]
\path [shading=2-color-wheel]
( 45:1.5) circle [radius=1] circle [radius=0.5];
\path [shading=3-color-wheel]
(135:1.5) circle [radius=1] circle [radius=0.5];
\path [shading=4-color-wheel]
(225:1.5) circle [radius=1] circle [radius=0.5];
\path [shading=5-color-wheel]
(315:1.5) circle [radius=1] circle [radius=0.5];
宏。这个宏有三个参数:阴影的名称、阴影的旋转(颜色列表中的第一个颜色在角度 0)和颜色列表。我思考它运行正常。
\def\pgf@ps@sp{ }
\advance\c@pgf@countb by-1\relax%
\advance\c@pgf@countb by-1\relax%
\pgf@ps@esettoks{ \noexpand\pgf@ps@interp{col@\the\c@pgf@counta}{col@\the\c@pgf@countb} }%
\advance\c@pgf@countb by\pgf@ps@ncol\relax%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by-1\relax%
\advance\c@pgf@countb by-1\relax%
\pgf@ps@esettoks{ \the\c@pgf@counta\pgf@ps@sp eq { \pgf@ps@ops \noexpand\pgf@ps@interp{col@\the\c@pgf@counta}{col@\the\c@pgf@countb} }{ \the\pgf@ps@toks } ifelse}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by-2\relax%
\pgf@ps@esettoks{ \pgf@ps@ops \the\pgf@ps@toks }%
\advance\c@pgf@ps by1\relax}%
\pgf@ps@rgb{#1red} mul exch \pgf@ps@rgb{#2red} mul add
5 1 roll
\pgf@ps@rgb{#1green} mul exch \pgf@ps@rgb{#2green} mul add
3 1 roll
\pgf@ps@rgb{#1blue} mul exch \pgf@ps@rgb{#2blue} mul add
\pgf@x=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by360pt\relax%
2 copy abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge { atan } { pop } ifelse
\pgf@ps@rot\pgf@ps@sp add dup 360 ge { -360 add } { } ifelse
360 \pgf@ps@ncol\pgf@ps@sp
div div dup floor dup 3 1 roll neg add dup neg 1 add exch
2 copy 2 copy 7 -1 roll 1 add
\pgfutil@for\pgf@ps@:={#1}\do{\advance\c@pgf@ps by1}%
\path [shading=rgb] (30:1.5) circle [radius=1];
\path [shading=rgb-90] (150:1.5) circle [radius=1];
\path [shading=rainbow] (270:1.5) circle [radius=1];
请参阅第 110.2.3 节“一般(功能)阴影”,第 1087 页,手册。
以下是一个例子(原始的color wheel
\pgfdeclarefunctionalshading{my color wheel}
{ % x y
2 copy abs exch abs add 0.0001 ge
{atan 360.0 div} % ... x y heading; heading being in
%the interval [0, 1.0]
{ pop } % silently deal with error: return
% arbitrary heading of zero for origin
ifelse % because we will use it for 'Hue'
1 copy .5 gt {0.5 sub 0.5 exch sub} {} ifelse
1 1.0 % ... H S V
% C version to use as model:
% H' = H * 6
% i = floor(H')
% f = H' - i
% P = V * (1.0 - S)
% Q = V * (1.0 - (S*f))
% T = V * (1.0 - (S * (1.0 - f)))
3 2 roll 6.0 mul dup 4 1 roll % H' S V H'
floor cvr % H' S V i
dup 5 1 roll % i H' S V i
3 index sub neg % i H' S V f
1.0 3 index sub % i H' S V f (1.0 - S )
2 index mul % i H' S V f P
6 1 roll % P i H' S V f
dup 3 index mul neg 1.0 add % P i H' S V f ( 1.0 - (f*S))
2 index mul % P i H' S V f Q
7 1 roll % Q P i H' S V f
neg 1.0 add % Q P i H' S V (1.0 - f)
2 index mul neg 1.0 add % Q P i H' S V (1.0 - S * (1.0 - f))
1 index mul % Q P i H' S V T
7 2 roll % V T Q P i H' S
pop pop % V T Q P i
% end of BLOCK B. The rest is just stack manipulation
dup 0.5 le % TEST II [ i == 0 ]
{ % BLOCK C [ take stack to V T P ]
pop exch pop
{ dup 1.5 le % TEST III [ i == 1 ]
{ % BLOCK D [ take stack to Q V P ]
pop exch 4 1 roll exch pop
{ dup 2.5 le % TEST IV [ i == 2 ]
{ % BLOCK E [ take stack to P V T ]
pop 4 1 roll pop
{ dup 3.5 le % TEST V [ i == 3 ]
{ % BLOCK F [ take stack to P Q V ]
pop exch 4 2 roll pop
{ dup 4.5 le % TEST VI [ i == 4 ]
{ % BLOCK G [ take stack to T P V ]
pop exch pop 3 -1 roll
{ % BLOCK H [ take stack to V P Q ]
pop 3 1 roll exch pop
ifelse % for V
ifelse % for IV
ifelse % for III
ifelse % for II
\shade[shading=my color wheel] (0,0) circle (2);