\caption{Commitment Variables}
\begin{tabular}{p{5cm}p{10cm}} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Variable Name} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Description} \\
$commitmentcounter$\tablefootnote{Words used: pride, visit, leader, unity, campus, legacy, important, environment, only, home, comfort, mom, dad, mother, father, family} & The number of words in both essays used by people who did come to Baylor. \\
$commitmentpercent$ & The percentage of words that are commitment words. \\
$faithcounter$\tablefootnote{Words used: shall, unto, lord, thou, thy, ye, God, son, hath, Israel, king, people, house, before, children, against, shalt, land, day, hand, behold, saith, sons, hast, o, over, she, David, great, Jesus, thine, father, neither, give, take, am, forth, brought, name, away, pass, two, according, days, city, earth, Moses, thereof, whom, know} & The number of words in both essays used to express their faith. \\
$faithpercent$ & The percentage of words that are faith words. \\
$baylorcounter$\tablefootnote{Words Used: Baylor, bears, bear, Waco, oso, quadrangle, ivy, burleson, hankamer, Louise, Herrington, truett, dia del
} & The number of words in both essays used to signal their knowledge of Baylor. \\
$baylorpercent$ & The percentage of words that are Baylor specific. \\
$totalbible$ & The number of times in both essays that a book of the Bible was referenced. \\
$biblepercent$ & The percentage of words that are books of the Bible. \\
$admincounter$\tablefootnote{Words Used: top, choice, first, dream, dreamed, always, growing, grown, grow, wonderful, visit, blessed, experience, passion, passionate, tradition, atmosphere, values, perfect, heart} & The number of times in both essays in which words given my by the admissions team were used. \\
$adminpercent$ & The percentage of words that are from the admissions team. \\ \hline