如何遵守源代码中每行文本 80 个字符的限制

如何遵守源代码中每行文本 80 个字符的限制

假设我有一长串斜体报告或其他文档中的文本。如果文本长度超过 80 个字符,我可能希望将第 79 列位置之后的所有内容移至源代码中的下一行。但我不希望这对文本的呈现方式产生任何影响(即仍然只是一行斜体)。

是否有一个 TeX 命令可用作行终止符,表示只在下一个源代码行处进行选择,就好像它是同一行一样?


\item \textit{Describe some stuff that happened here and it is a long description that should be stopped at character 80 and continued on the next line, but can easily fit on a single line in the rendered document.}


\item \textit{Describe some stuff that happened here and it is a long 
      description that should be stopped at character 80 and continued on 
      the next line, but can easily fit on a single line in the rendered 
