编辑: 添加最新写作
% Draw 1st order
\draw (0,0) to node [pos=0.5, above] {100 C} ++ (4,0);
% Draw 2nd order
\foreach \j in {8.1,2.7,-2.7,-8.1}
\draw [-stealth] (4,0) --++ (1,\j) --++ (4,0);
\node [above right, align=left] at (6,8.1) {Text 1\\text 2};
\node [above right, align=left] at (6,2.7) {Text 3\\text 4};
\node [above right, align=left] at (6,-2.7) {Text 5\\text 6};
\node [above right, align=left] at (6,-8.1) {Text 7\\text 8};
% Draw 3rd and 4th orders
\foreach \j in {8.1,2.7,-2.7,-8.1}
\draw (9,\j) --++ (4,0);
\draw (9,\j+2.7) rectangle ++ (6,-5.4);
\foreach \k in {2,1,-1,-2}
\draw [-stealth] (13,\j) --++ (1,\k) --++ (6,0);
% Fatest writing
\node [right] at (20,\j+2) {Condensate};
\node [right] at (20,\j+1) {NGL};
\node [right] at (20,\j-1) {Sales Gas};
\node [right] at (20,\j-2) {Sour Gas};
\node [above right] at (15,10.1) {Text 9};
\node [above right] at (15,9.1) {Text 10};
根据我在评论中提出的想法,这里是一个使用 pgf 数组和嵌套循环的实现。它需要 PGF 3.0.0,可以作为此新功能的一个稍微复杂的使用示例。
% The following array defines the numbers and labels
% to appear at each final branch (at the right)
% Note the funny syntax with braces and quotes...
numbers/Sales gas,
foobar/Sour gas"},
numbers/Sales gas,
foobar/Sour gas"},
numbers/Sales gas,
foobar/Sour gas"},
numbers/Sales gas,
foobar/Sour gas"}
% This is the style to format the numbers which appear
% above each branch
numbers/.style = {above right, font=\small, text width=4cm}
\draw (0,0) -- (3,0) node[above, midway] {100C,};
% Four main branches
\foreach [count=\i from 0] \label in
{{M-C-P\\some numbers},
{Benzene\\more numbers},
{CycC,\\even more numbers},
{C,\\and final numbers}} {
% Coordinate at which each one of main branches start
\coordinate (aux) at ($(3,6)+(1,-4*\i)$);
\draw[->] (3,0) -- (aux) node[numbers] {\label}
-- +(4,0);
% Rectangle at the end of each branch
\draw (aux) ++(4,2) rectangle +(5,-4);
\draw (aux) ++(4,0) -- +(3,0);
% Inside the rectangle, four new branches
\foreach [count=\j from 0] \n/\l in \labels {
\draw[->] (aux) ++(7,0) -- ++(1,1.5-\j)
-- ++(1,0) node[numbers] {\n} -- ++(4,0)
node[right] {\l};