IEEEconf 通过 addtolength{\textheight} 使数字消失

IEEEconf 通过 addtolength{\textheight} 使数字消失

我必须用 ieeeconf 格式写一篇小论文。一切都很顺利,只是我的数字消失了。


\addtolength{\textheight}{-12cm}   % This command serves to balance the column lengths
                                  % on the last page of the document manually. It shortens
                                  % the textheight of the last page by a suitable amount.
                                  % This command does not take effect until the next page
                                  % so it should come on the page before the last. Make
                                  % sure that you do not shorten the textheight too much.




\documentclass[letterpaper, 10 pt, conference]{ieeeconf}  % Comment this line out if you need a4paper

%% My packages:

\title{\LARGE \bf
Very long title with lots of spoilers allowing to skip the actual paper

\author{Albert Author$^{1}$ and Bernard D. Researcher$^{2}$% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{*This work was not supported by any organization}% <-this % stops a space
\thanks{$^{1}$Albert Author is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science,
        University of Twente, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
        {\tt\small [email protected]}}%
\thanks{$^{2}$Bernard D. Researcheris with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Wright State University,
        Dayton, OH 45435, USA
        {\tt\small [email protected]}}%



    \end{subfigure} \\
    \end{subfigure} \\
    \caption{My overall caption}

%\addtolength{\textheight}{-12cm} % <-- IF I UNCOMMENT THIS LINE, THE FIGURES ABOVE DISAPPEAR


注意:如果我删除 .aux 文件并编译一次,图形就会出现。然而,在第二次编译时,它们又消失了。不幸的是,我需要编译两次,因为标签等仅在那时设置。


根本不支持更改\textheight文档中间部分,可以小心地进行(例如 lscape 包就是这样做的),但只能在强制分页符处\clearpage刷新所有待处理的浮点数。
