在水平对齐表格和图表后,我希望它们在标题顶部垂直对齐(见最后一张图片)。我找到了使用 subfigures 或 floatrow 包的解决方案,但这两种方法似乎都不合适。这是我目前的设置
\captionof{figure}{First image with very very very very very very very very long caption}
Table head & Table head \\ \hline
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\ \hline
\captionof{table}{table with short caption}
\captionof{figure}{First image with very very very very very very very very long caption}
Table head & Table head \\ \hline
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\
Some values & Some values \\ \hline
\captionof{table}[table with short caption]{table with short caption\\\mbox{}\\\mbox{}}