我在 处插入了 3 个子图width=0.5\textwidth
\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{report}
\usepackage[paperheight=5.5in, paperwidth=6.267in, top=0in, bottom=0in, left=0in, right=0in]{geometry}
\usepackage[singlelinecheck=false, aboveskip=-3pt]{subcaption}
\caption{Figure caption describes subfigures A, B and C}
编辑:抱歉,我没说清楚,我指的空白处是 [子图 B 下方和子图 C 旁边]。也就是说,当我有奇数个子图时,我不希望主标题位于整个图下方,而是将其插入到最后一个子图的右侧,以更有效地利用空间。我很快就会上传一个图来说明这一点。
\vspace{50 pt}
\caption{Figure caption describes subfigures A, B and C; this is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legendthis is a very long legend}
\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{report}
\usepackage[paperheight=7.5in, paperwidth=6.267in, top=0in, bottom=0in, left=0in, right=0in]{geometry}
\usepackage[singlelinecheck=false, aboveskip=-3pt]{subcaption}
\newcommand{\fillcaption}[1]{ %new command with the argument being the text of the caption
\textbf{Figure \arabic{figure}:} #1 %Makes main figure number, concatenates it to legend
\addtocounter {figure} {1} %increments main figure count
%\newcommand{\bfillcaption}[2]{\fillcaption{\textbf{#1} #2}} %bolds first sentence of fillcaption
\vspace{10 pt}
\fillcaption{Figure legend here} {A. This describes subfigure (A). B. This describes subfigure (B). C. This describes subfigure (C). }
%\caption{Figure caption describes subfigures A, B and C}
谢谢 srao,我对你的代码做了一些改进,使其更简单,也更易于阅读。我添加了 makebox 命令,使图形可以扩展到大于页面宽度,但实际上并不需要。
\newcommand{\fillcaption}[1]{ %new command with the argument being the text of the caption
\addtocounter {figure} {1} %increments main figure count
Figure \arabic{figure}: #1 %Makes main figure number, concatenates it to legend
\begin{tabular}{p{0.7\linewidth} p{0.7\linewidth}}
\fillcaption{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.}&
\subcaptionbox{About a}{\missingfigure{}}\\
\subcaptionbox{About b}{\missingfigure{}}&
\subcaptionbox{About c}{\missingfigure{}}