附录中的 head 没有出现 3 个数字(子浮点数)

附录中的 head 没有出现 3 个数字(子浮点数)

我为我的论文做了一些附录。但是标题有些问题。有 3 个图,每个图占一页(整页)。第一页一切正常。第二页也正常,但第三页没有出现标题。这是什么问题?

\usepackage[inner=3cm,outer=2cm,tmargin=2.0cm,bmargin=2.0cm, includefoot, includehead]{geometry}
\graphicspath{  {fig/} }


\fancyhead[RO]{\slshape \rightmark}
\fancyhead[LE]{\slshape \leftmark}



\chapter{Imagens SEM}

Imagens SEM de carbonato de cálcio natural, original e modificado, com uma resolução de 7500x e 20000x.

  \subfloat[H60 Modificado - 7500x]{%
  \subfloat[H60 Modificado - 20000x]{%
  \caption{This is lot of figures arranged side by side in matrix form with captions for each and a main caption}\label{fig:1}

  \subfloat[H90 Modificado - 7500x]{%
  \subfloat[H90 Modificado - 20000x]{%
  \caption{This is lot of figures arranged side by side in matrix form with captions for each and a main caption}\label{fig:1}

  \subfloat[H60 Modificado - 7500x]{%
  \subfloat[H60 Modificado - 20000x]{%
  \caption{This is lot of figures arranged side by side in matrix form with captions for each and a main caption}\label{fig:1}





\fancyhead[RO]{\slshape \leftmark}
