使用 setspace 包会破坏脚注链接

使用 setspace 包会破坏脚注链接

以下代码创建了一个脚注,问题是在生成的 pdf 文件中单击脚注引用1不会跳转到1页面底部的脚注定义,而是跳转到 pdf 文件的开头。但如果我删除“\usepackage{setspace}”行,一切正常。为什么会这样,如何让它按我预期的方式工作?提前致谢。



\section{Section 1}
TeX is a computer program for typesetting documents, created by Donald Knuth. It
takes a suitably prepared computer file and converts it to a form which may be
printed on many kinds of printers, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers
and high-resolution typesetting machines. LaTeX is a set of macros for TeX that
aims at reducing the user's task to the sole role of writing the content, LaTeX
taking care of all the formatting process. A number of well-established
publishers now use TeX or LaTeX to typeset books and mathematical journals. It
is also well appreciated by users caring about typography, consistent
formatting, efficient collaborative writing and open formats.

\section{Section 2}
TeX is a computer program for typesetting documents, created by Donald Knuth. It
takes a suitably prepared computer file and converts it to a form which may be
printed on many kinds of printers, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers
and high-resolution typesetting machines. LaTeX is a set of macros for TeX that
aims at reducing the user's task to the sole role of writing the content, LaTeX
taking care of all the formatting process. A number of well-established
publishers now use TeX or LaTeX to typeset books and mathematical journals. It
is also well appreciated by users caring about typography, consistent
formatting, efficient collaborative writing and open formats.

\section{Section 3}
TeX is a computer program for typesetting documents, created by Donald Knuth. It
takes a suitably prepared computer file and converts it to a form which may be
printed on many kinds of printers, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers
and high-resolution typesetting machines. LaTeX is a set of macros for TeX that
aims at reducing the user's task to the sole role of writing the content, LaTeX
taking care of all the formatting process. A number of well-established
publishers now use TeX or LaTeX to typeset books and mathematical journals. It
is also well appreciated by users caring about typography, consistent
formatting, efficient collaborative writing and open formats.

\section{Test footnotes}
This text has a footnote \footnote{See section \ref{sec-1}}




setspace如果在 之后加载包hyperref,前者的修改将覆盖后者的修改。因此正确的做法是先加载setspace,然后hyperref

有一些包需要加载 hyperref,你会发现一个大列表哪些包应该在 hyperref 之后加载而不是之前加载?并且setspace没有出现在那里。



%\tolerance=1000 %%% Are you really sure?




\section{Section 1}
TeX is a computer program for typesetting documents, created by Donald Knuth. It
takes a suitably prepared computer file and converts it to a form which may be
printed on many kinds of printers, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers
and high-resolution typesetting machines. LaTeX is a set of macros for TeX that
aims at reducing the user's task to the sole role of writing the content, LaTeX
taking care of all the formatting process. A number of well-established
publishers now use TeX or LaTeX to typeset books and mathematical journals. It
is also well appreciated by users caring about typography, consistent
formatting, efficient collaborative writing and open formats.

\section{Section 2}
TeX is a computer program for typesetting documents, created by Donald Knuth. It
takes a suitably prepared computer file and converts it to a form which may be
printed on many kinds of printers, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers
and high-resolution typesetting machines. LaTeX is a set of macros for TeX that
aims at reducing the user's task to the sole role of writing the content, LaTeX
taking care of all the formatting process. A number of well-established
publishers now use TeX or LaTeX to typeset books and mathematical journals. It
is also well appreciated by users caring about typography, consistent
formatting, efficient collaborative writing and open formats.

\section{Section 3}
TeX is a computer program for typesetting documents, created by Donald Knuth. It
takes a suitably prepared computer file and converts it to a form which may be
printed on many kinds of printers, including dot-matrix printers, laser printers
and high-resolution typesetting machines. LaTeX is a set of macros for TeX that
aims at reducing the user's task to the sole role of writing the content, LaTeX
taking care of all the formatting process. A number of well-established
publishers now use TeX or LaTeX to typeset books and mathematical journals. It
is also well appreciated by users caring about typography, consistent
formatting, efficient collaborative writing and open formats.

\section{Test footnotes}
This text has a footnote \footnote{See section \ref{sec-1}}



