FontAwesome 在 Friggeri 简历中不起作用?

FontAwesome 在 Friggeri 简历中不起作用?
% \documentclass{article}


% \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % Specify the bibliography file to include publications

\header{Kiker}{Surname}{Front End Web Developer} % Your name and current job title/field


\begin{aside} % In the aside, each new line forces a line break
{\color{light-gray}{\FA \faHome}}
{\color{skype}{\FA \faSkype}} \href{skype:myskype.myskype?call}{myskype.myskype}
{\color{light-gray}{\FA \faEnvelope}} \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
{\color{html5}{\FA \faFire}} \href{}{Portfolio}
{\color{gray}{\FA \faPencil}} \href{}{My Blog}
{\color{linkedin}{\FA \faLinkedin}} \href{}{LinkedIn}
{\color{gray}{\FA \faGithubSign}} \href{}{GitHub}
\small{{\color{red} \FA \faHeart} JavaScript, jQuery,
{\color{html5}\FA \faHtml5} HTML5, CSS3,
{\color{php}\FA \faCode} PHP, Groovy/Grails,
{\color{gray}\FA \faLinux} Linux, LEMP, NGINX,
{\color{db}\FA \faTh} MySQL, Amazon AWS}
 \emph{proficient} English
 \emph{mother tongue} Italian
 \emph{notions} Spanish \& French

\section{{\FA \faUser} About me}

\section{{\FA \faStar} Expertise}

\textbf{Professional Capabilities}
    \item{High-quality front-end development for web sites and applications}
    \item{Modular, DRY, robust and reusable code}
    \item{Performance optimization, progressive enhancement, usability}
    \item{SEO with semantic HTML, Micro Formats and structures}
    \item{Site planning}
    \item{User interface design}

\textbf{Technical Skills}
    \item{Scalable HTML and CSS}
    \item{JavaScript Development (includes advanced jQuery and plugins development, HTML5 API, vanilla JavaScript)}
    \item{Responsive Web Design}
    \item{Mobile development (in browser)}
    \item{Experience with Linux environments.}
    \item{Working knowledge of PHP, using: CodeIgniter, ExpressionEngine, WordPress}
    \item{Experience with Groovy/Grails}
    \item{Working experience with software versioning, in particular Git and Mercurial}
    \item{CSS Preprocessor (SASS, SCSS and LESS)}

\section{{\FA \faSuitCase} Experience}

\section{{\FA \faBook} Education}


{Degree in {\normalfont Computer Science and Automation Engineering}}
{Polytechnic Marche University, Italy}
{  }


\section{{\FA \faQuote} Recommandations}


特别是对于 Skype、Facebook、Linken 是否可以在该代码中运行?


您可以使用以下代码使用这些图标(自版本 4 以来,它们成为字体的一部分):

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

\setmainfont{Minion Pro}



Here are missing symbols in the \emph{Fontawesome} package:

\verb+\faSkype+ &\verb+\faLinux+ &\verb+\faTh+ &\verb+\faQuoteLeft+ &\verb+\faQuoteRight+\\
{\color{CadetBlue1}\faSkype}  &  \faLinux  &  \faTh  &  \faQuoteLeft  &  \faQuoteRight



您可以获取该字体的最新版本这里。就 Xe(Lua)LaTeX 而言,只有.otf字体文件有用。您可以将其安装在您的系统上,也可以安装在 中temf-local\fonts\otf\fontawesome
