从 beamer 中的 URL 字段提取

从 beamer 中的 URL 字段提取

如何提取文件中条目的 URL 字段的值.bib?我想将其直接打印在frame我的beamer文档中。

附加信息: (2014 年 7 月 20 日添加):

我无法提供 .tex 文件的精确副本,因为它现在太长了。在我的序言中,我已经




 \citet{Jilvero2012} % I want to print the URL here%


这个键在我的 .bib 文件中定义为

   Title                    = {Heat requirement for regeneration of aqueous ammonia in post-combustion carbon dioxide capture },
   Author                   = {Henrik Jilvero and Fredrik Normann and Klas Andersson and Filip Johnsson},
   Journal                  = {International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control },
   Year                     = {2012},
   Number                   = {0},
  Pages                    = {181 - 187},
   Volume                   = {11},

  Doi                      = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.08.005},
  ISSN                     = {1750-5836},
  Keywords                 = {Chilled ammonia},
   Url                      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1750583612001909}


使用biblatex\citeurl{<bibkey>}将打印与引用键关联的 URL <bibkey>


   Title                    = {Heat requirement for regeneration of aqueous ammonia in post-combustion carbon dioxide capture },
   Author                   = {Henrik Jilvero and Fredrik Normann and Klas Andersson and Filip Johnsson},
   Journal                  = {International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control },
   Year                     = {2012},
   Number                   = {0},
  Pages                    = {181 - 187},
   Volume                   = {11},

  Doi                      = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.08.005},
  ISSN                     = {1750-5836},
  Keywords                 = {Chilled ammonia},
   Url                      = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1750583612001909}






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